............................ <<<flippin heck, where do i start lol. i guess the thing that is who i am that i just have to talk about is to give u a heads up about my main pal and saviour, a guy you've probably heard of , jesus. i believe he was God walkin this earth, and the way for you and me to actually have a relationship with the God, who is flippin real! findin that out changed everythin really. i think i became anythin but religious, cause the message of the bible tells us about the most excitin lifestyle ever written about - bein filled with the holy spirt that was in jesus, and bein flippin forgiven and clensed for all my sins when i believe that jesus came to die on a cross for me. wow. if u r reading this, and u r a human being ( duh), then i want you to know that ur life is worth so much more than you realise, and it breaks God's heart that so many people are livin life away form him, but that can all change and i know it can happen for you what happened to me. . i cant describe how worth-while every moment in life is once you've found God. its gotta be worth sayin that i got mates from school and church who i think are just amazing. you guys come second in my life , but its no insult that you guys come behind the Big G. my names matt by the way:)For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. >>>>>>
lt;<<<<<.....lets unite the church, with love and passion for God, and lets take this world for jesus the king....>>>>>>>>
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