Dave Watson profile picture

Dave Watson

About Me

I'm kinda one of those dark kept secrets in the creation of the universe...yet somehow stay fascinatingly sexy.

Your results:
You are Hulk Hulk 85% Iron Man 75% The Flash 70% Spider-Man 65% Green Lantern 60% Superman 55% Batman 50% Supergirl 50% Catwoman 50% Wonder Woman 45% Robin 45% You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A life filled with good people, great times, creative freedom, good pay and heavy drinking without the hangover.

My Blog

The Meaning of Dave

DAVID D is for Daredevil A is for Arty V is for Virile I is for Irresistible D is for Distinguished http://blogthings.com/acro/acronymquiz.php">What Does ...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 21:04:00 GMT