Hmm...well, I have a lot of interests. I mostly just like hanging out with my awesome boyfriend and fantastic friends. So, when I'm not too busy with all of that, i surf the web n' chat. I'm just a talkative person. You ask me a question, I'm not afraid to answer...PET MIKEE
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I'd like to meet:
Well, ive already met my special someone, but id love to meet my celeb. heros:Carmen Electra, Christina Aguilera, Joaquin Phoenix.. -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You're a tired old thing aren't you? We first came under Aurora's spell in Sleeping Beauty (1959)
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I like all kinds of music...I don't like to classify people or judge. Music is music, w/e makes you happy!
I like going to the movies with my boyriend, friends and family...but its cool to just stay at home or a house and just chill out on a couch or what not and watch some movies then. I like scarey movies mostly, and comedies too. I don't really like dramas but ocassionally I'll watch it if im in the mood for it. Actions I also have to be in the mood for to watch and thats not to often...but it really depends on what kind of an "action" is going on :wink:. Romances are cool when you got someone to watch them with, whether it be a friend or a guy, er w/e
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Joaquin Phoenix