I LOVE animals and really enjoy horseback riding and actually some dog training as well. Nothing extensive on either point, however. Just for fun!My sister is really the kid-oriented one of the two of us. However, I love my little cousins, the kids I babysit (well, most of them) and my precious, adorable God-daughter...but I'm not biased.I'm also interested in photography, but again, nothing extensive.I love the mountains. Moreso than the beach, which is quite unfortunate seeing as I live 45 minutes away from the beach.I'm a tradition loving, German Lutheran and am really involved in my church in Gainesville.
I'm really interested in all types of music. I can't say I'm that partial to rap and R&B, but I don't mind small doses of them.
I can't say I watch that much TV anymore since we only have basic cable in our apartment, but TBS is the college student's best friend -- I'm convinced of that. I think it's because it lets all of us reconnect with our childhood with shows like the Steve Harvey Show and, best of all, Saved by the Bell. When I am in Orlando, however, rest assured that my TV is on TLC. It's a marvelous show, really it is. Other than that, Friends was perfect and I still enjoy watching reruns and I'm sure there are others -- I just always forget these kinds of things along the way.
I must admit, I am a book worm. Lately, I've really been enjoying novels by James Clavell and am trying to get up the nerve to buy his 1,000 page novel that's next in the series. But so far, dinner has won over buying it every time I'm in the book store. I very much enjoy going out to Barnes and Noble, but the one up here is just not too hot... Better for my pocketbook that way.
My parents