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i do ps firsts.
"I believe in everything until it's disproved... it all exists, even if it's in your mind." - John Lennon
i adore life with a passion rivaling lust.
i have more favourite colours than you have friends.
;-D maybe.
i adore rhini and hippos and elephants.
i wish to be the only female cast member of jackass.
i like to bake. and fix things. and care for people. basically, im a domestic goddess in disguise.
i Dig my job.
im never going to grow up
i just know it.
i do not believe in Love, shoes, or physics.
there are lots of kinds of love, shoes, and physics. do not try to dissade me.
for example, shoes as accessories? sure. do things fall when they weigh more than air? mhm. its one of those complicated things that i feel strongly about.