20 Dead Flower Children
31 Knots
40 Below Summer
40 Grit
400 Blows
A Perfect Murder
A Static Lullaby
A.C. Newman
A.R.E. Weapons
Above This Fire
Aesop Rock
Against Me!
Al Howard
Alexander Hacke
All Night Radi
All That Remains
Amanda Rogers
An Albatross
An Automotive
Andrew W.K.
Animal Collective
Arch Enemy
As I Lay Dying
At The Drive In
Atom and His Package
Audio Karate
Audio Learning Center
Avenged Sevenfold
Back When
Bad Acid Trip
Bad Religion
Bang! Bang!
Bear Claw
Bettie Serveert
Between the Buried and Me
Big B
Black Dice
Blessed by a Broken Heart
Blessing the Hogs
Bloc Party
Blonde Redhead
Blood Brothers
Blood for Blood
Blood Has Been Shed
Blood or Whiskey
Bloodlined Calligraphy
Blue Monday
Blueprint / Illogic
Bolt Thrower
Boxer Rebellion
Boy Sets Fire
Boys Night Out
Breather Resist
Brent Arnold
Broken October
Broken Spindles, Brutal Fight, Buck 65, Built to Spill, Bunky, By Night
Camera Obscura
Carnal Forge
Cattle Decapitation
Caustic Resin
Cave In
Cell Block 5
Cesar Comanche
Channel 3
Children of Bodom
Chris Caffery
Circa Survive
Clear Convictions
Closet Monsters
Clouds Forming Crowns
Coheed and Cambria
Coltrane Motion
Combat Wounded Veteran
Comeback Kid
Corrosion of Conformity, Cougars, Covenant, Creedle, Crime In Stereo, Criss Angel, Crystal Skulls, Cut City, D.O.A., Danzig, Dao Son For, Darediablo, Dark Tranquility, Darkane, Dead Letter Dept, Dead Meadow, Death Angel, Death Before Dishonor, Death By Stereo, Death From Above 1979, Death on Wednesday, Death Threat, Decahedron, December, Deepdown, Deerhoof, Del Cielo, Del tha Funky Homosapian, Des Ark, Destiny, Destroyer, Detachment Kit, Dew Scented, Dewey Defeats Truman, DFrost, Diecast, Disengage, Divit, DJ Cheb i Sabbah , DJ JS1, DJ Mega Havoc, DJ Spooky, Dont Mess With Texas, Doris Henson, Doug Martsch, Downset, Dr. Israel, Dropkick Murphys, Dropsonic, Dry Kill Logic, Dub Trio, Earth Crisis, Eastern Youth, Echobrain, Ektomorf, Electric Frankenstein , Electric Six , Eleven Minutes Away, Elliot, El-P, Eluvium, Emperor X, Empty Silos Echo War, Engine Down, Enon, Ensign, Entreat, Epoxies, Ester Drang, Et Sans, Ex-Models, Extol, Face to Face, Fancey, Fear Factory, Femme Fatale, Figurine, Finch, Fiya, Frank Jordan, Free Moral Agents, Friends of Dean Martinez , From Autumn to Ashes, Fu Manchu, Further Seems Forever, Gangstarr, Garrison, Genghis Tron , Glasses and Ashes, GlassJaw, Glucifer, Go Betty Go, Goblin Cock, God Among Insects, God Forbid, Gods, Good Charlotte, Good Riddance, Goon Moon, Gorerotted, Gospel, Grabass Charlestons, Grayskul, Guitar Wolf, Gunmetal Grey, GWAR, Hangmen, Hanzel und Gretyl, Harris Newman, Haste, He Is Legend, Head Automatica, Heaven Shall Burn, Heavy Trash, Hed P.E., Helio Sequence, Hella, Hemlock, Hermano, Hey Mercedes, HIM, Himsa, Hint Hint , Hipnostic, Hiretsukan, Hollow Ground, Hong Kong Six, Hope Conspiracy, HopesFall, Hostile Groove, Hot Cross, Hot Hot Heat, Hot Snakes, Howard Hello, Human Television, Humble Gods, I Am The Avalanche, Ian Brown, Idiot Pilot, Ikara Colt , Immolation, Immortal Souls, Imperial, In The Visualz, InMemory, IntheVisualz, IQU, Iron and Wine, Japanische Kampfhorspiele, Jason Lowenstein, Jean Grae, Jel , Jesse Sykes, JFA, Joe Coffee, Josh Small, Julie Doiron, Juliette Lewis, Jurassic Five, JZone, Kaddisfly, Keith Morris [Circle Jerks], Kill Me Tomorrow, Kill Radio, Kill Your Idols, Killswitch Engage, Kinski, Kiss Me Deadly, Kittie, Kittie, KMFDM, Korpiklaani, Kottonmouth Kings, Kylesa, Label the Traitor, Lacrimas Profundere, Lamb of God, Lambchop, Last Day of April, Last Perfection, LCD Soundsystem, Leaves Eyes, Les George Leningrad, Les Savy Fav, Let It Die, Libretto, Light the Fuse and Run, Lil Pocket Knife, Lilitu, Limbeck, Lion Fever, Little Wings, Living Legends, Loader Milk, Local H, Loftus, Long Way Home, Loophole, Losa, Low Cloud Cover, Lozenge, M83, M83, Machine and the Synergetic Nuts, Mad Caddies, Madball, Mahavatar, Mahi Mahi, Malachi Constant, Malkovich, Man, Manuok, Marginal Prophets, Maria Taylor, Mark Lanegan, Martyr AD , Mary Timony, Maspyke, Mastodon, Matchbook Romance, Meet the Virus, Megadeth, Melissa Auf der Maur, Meow Meow , Meshuggah, Meshuggah, MF Doom, Micah P. Hinson , Mice Parade, Mike Patton [FaithNoMore], Minmae, Minus the Bear, Mirah, Mix Master Mike, Mixel Pixel, Mnemic, Modey Lemon, Molotov Cocktail, Mommy and Daddy, Monade, Monarch, Monday In London, Moneen, Mortiis, Mourningstar, MCR, Mouth of the Architect, Moving Units, Mr. Lif, My Fate, My Ruin , Napalm Death, Natural Dreamers, Navies, Negative Creeps, Neva Dinova, New End Original, New Pornographers, New Roman Times , Nile, No Knife, No One, NOFX, Nor Am I, Northstar, Novembers Doom, Of Montreal, Off By One, One Be Lo, One Inch Punch, One Self, Oneida, Oni Logan, Open Hand, Opiate for the Masses, Orange Island, Orqeustra Del Desierto, Ours, Out Hud, Outsmarting Simon, Owen, Page Hamilton [Helmet], Paint By Numbers, Paint It Black, Pajo, Pakelika, Panthers, Pedro the Lion, Pennywise, Phil Anselmo [Pantera], Phunk Junkeez, Picastro, Pig Destroyer, Piglet, Pilot to Gunner, Pinback, Pipedown, Piss Ant, Pitbull, Placebo, Plain White Ts, Planes Mistaken For Stars, Planet Smashers, Platinum Pied Pipers, Poison The Well, Pony Up, Porn, Prefuse 73, Premonitions of War, Preston School of Industry , Pretty Girls Make Graves, Prince Paul, Probot, Propagandhi, Pulse Ultra, Q and not U, Race for Titles, Radar Brothers, Ramallah, Rancid, Razor Crusade, Red Giant, Red Harvest, Red Sparowes, Remembering Never, Retisonic, Ringworm, Rise Against, Riverboat Gamblers , RJD2, Rob Halford, Rockethouse, Roger Merit, Rogue Wave, Roses Are Red, Rufio, Run Away From the Humans, Run Run Run, S, S.T.U.N., SCool Girls, Sage Francis, SamMcPheeters [Born Against], Scatter the Ashes, Scissorfight , Scum of the Earth, Seamless, Season to Risk, Secret Mommy, Sen Dog, Senses Fail, Serene, Sevendust, Sex Positions , Shadows Fall, Shenoah, Sick Bees , Sick Shift, Silverchair, Silverstein, Since By Man , SIX, Sixer, Sixtoo, Skindred, Slaughter and the Dogs, Slaves on Dope , Slayer, Sleeping People, Sloppy Meateaters, Smoke or Fire, Snapcase, Snot R.I.P. Society 1, Soilwork, Some Girls , Spitalfield, Spoken, Stabbing Westward, Starlite Desperation, Stars, Steel Train, Stephen Malkmus, Stereotyperider, Stoic Frame, Strapping Young Lad, Strike Anywhere, Strikeforce Diablo, Struction, Strychnine, Submission Hold, Subnoize Souljaz, Sugercult, Sundays Best, Sunset Black, Superbees, Superdrag, SuperHeavyGoatAss, Supersuckers, Supersystem, Sushirobo, Swallow the Sun, Swan, Swearing at Motorists, Swingin Utters, Switched, Sybris, Symphony In Peril, Syzukiton, T.S.O.L., Taking Back Sunday, Tanner, Tanya Stevens, Taxman, Teabag, Tears from the Sky, Terror, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, The Advantage, The AKAs, The Alter Boys, The Bad Plus, The Binding, The Bled, The Blow, The Bomb, The Bouncing Souls,The Used, The Briefs, The Capes, The Catheters , The Chinese Stars, The Code, The Crest, The Crown, The Darkness, The Decemberists, The Displaced, The Distillers, The Dollyrots, The Double, The Dragons, The Dubliners, The Dwarves, The Empty, The English Beat, The Evens, The Ex, The Faint, The Fall, The Fight, The Firebird Band, The Forecast, The Forms, The Frenetics, The Frustrators, The Fugue, The Giraffes, The Gloria Record, The Gunshy, The Gunshys, The Haunted, The Havoc, The Hentchmen, The Hives, The Hold Steady, The Hostage Heart, The Hurt Process, The Je Ne Sais Quoi, The Jim Yoshi Pileup, The Killing Flame, The Letters Organize, The Locust, The Mae Shi, The Melvins, The Movielife , The Murder City Devils, The Nein, The Oranges Band, The Paper Chase, The Ponys, The Press, The Red Chord, The Riffs, The Roots, The Rum Diary, The Secret Machines, The Shins, The Shipping News, The Silent Type, The Six Parts Seven, The Sleeping, The Sound of Animals Fighting, The Starlight Desperation, The Start, The Thermals, The Thought Industry, The Tony Danze Tap Dance Extravaganza, The Tossers , The Trophy Life, The Tuna Helpers, The Unicorns, The Unseen, The Vacancy, The Vandals, The Westminster Abbey, Thee More Shallows , Thine Eyes Bleed, Thirty Two Frames, This Day and Age, Thrice, Thursday, Thurston Moore, Tiger Army, Time Spent Driving, Tiny Hawks, Tobin Sprout, Tora! Tora! Torrance!, Toys That Kill, Tracii Guns, Trans Am, Transmissionary Six, Trauma, Travoltas, Treiops Treyfid, Triple Threat, Trivium, Turbo A.C.s, Tv on the Radio, Twelve Tribes, Twenty2, Unearth, Unloco, Unsane, Unwritten Law, Up Syndrome, Van Johnson, Vena Cava, Verona, Via Satellite, Victim of Modern Age, Voices Underwater, Vue, Walls of Jericho, Weerd Science, Winter Solstice, XBXRX, Year Future, Yesterdays Rising, Zeke, + a few others
I'm pretty fucking Redonkulous at this game I havn't
lost in like forever play me
NIGHTWOLF PWNS I Never Lose With Him