food. music. sports. movies. parties. the beach. poker. but most specially... you! and of course you too... hahahahaha...
i'd like to meet everyone! and i mean you! and you... and you... your friends... their friends... their friends' friends... even your pets... and your pet's pets... hahahahaha... wooohooo
300. transformers. kill bill volume one. little manhattan. passion of the christ. band of brothers mini series. matrix series. godfather series.
friday night lights! my name is ed. world poker tour.
tom clancy's jack ryan series. tuesdays with morrie. sun tzu's art of war. todd duncan's high trust selling.
indiana jones and kenshin himura all the way! well charles barkley and andre agassi would do too. so would michael corleone and jack ryan. but wait. captain dick winters or achilles would come close too. i'll settle for amanda griffin anytime. ofcourse.