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I am here for Friends

About Me

i am an amateur movie/tv show/book, sports, food, event/party, music, resort, and spa critic. i hope someday i get paid to do it and become a professional movie/tv show/book, sports, food, event/party, music, resort and spa critic hehe. i'm a very "now person" meaning i live in the "now" (or present to make it simple), i live today and do my planning when i do act... i do not live in the yesterday or tomorrow... i live to live! wow! call it being poetic or being carefree ( with wings? hehe ) or was it whisper? hmmm... but don't make the mistake of assuming that i'm all over the place. i live by the code: K.I.S.S. or keep it simple stupid! call it minimalism or some other creature closely related to that. haha! oh and if there are only three, no let's make it five things i consider the only things i'll have or be at or do and call it collectively heaven? that would be 1.the beach (has to be tropical white sand with crystal blue waters) (if i had only one choice, japanese cuisine would be my answer) 3.muzik (as long as it's the opposite of overplayed and super cheeezzzy) 4.texas no limit hold 'em poker and 5.amanda griffin. what else... can we make it six? ofcourse we can! this is my page as a matter of fact. and numbah 6 would definitely be... tantarantantantantan... 6. movies. when i think of somethin ill just add it as we go along... wooohooo Profile Edit By Myspace Profile Editor
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My Interests

food. music. sports. movies. parties. the beach. poker. but most specially... you! and of course you too... hahahahaha...

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet everyone! and i mean you! and you... and you... your friends... their friends... their friends' friends... even your pets... and your pet's pets... hahahahaha... wooohooo


300. transformers. kill bill volume one. little manhattan. passion of the christ. band of brothers mini series. matrix series. godfather series.


friday night lights! my name is ed. world poker tour.


tom clancy's jack ryan series. tuesdays with morrie. sun tzu's art of war. todd duncan's high trust selling.


indiana jones and kenshin himura all the way! well charles barkley and andre agassi would do too. so would michael corleone and jack ryan. but wait. captain dick winters or achilles would come close too. i'll settle for amanda griffin anytime. ofcourse.