Axel profile picture


I like bitches......i'm not gonna lie

About Me

I live with my mom and dad (I know, at my age). I also have a little brother named Burroughs who is a cat but we are tight anyway. We have two parrots but they mosty stay to themselves. You know I am a bird dog but things would fuck me up. I go to family reunion every year and hang with bio fam. This layout is from; get yours today!

My Interests

Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Buster Birmingham Hillbilly Name Generator

I'd like to meet:

I consider myself a boob and ass man, so all u ladies out there in myspace land hit me up. I also would love to meet new people to sniff around with and scratch my belly. I enjoy people who like to pet me and don't raise their voices. People who can take me on walks and stop along the way because I like to smell flowers or anything funky.
What do you love? Click here to make your own.


Snoop, Triumph the Insult Comedy Dog


Anything on Animal Planet, Girls Gone Wild, Comedy Central


Not much of reader but I like to nap with people who are reading as long as they pet me every once in a while.


My mom and dad, Aunt Tiff, Uncle Zach, Lassie, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Snoop, Snoopy, Scooby, Clifford, Odie, Rosco from the Duke's

My Blog

Tagady Tag Tag

Here are the rules: You have been selected (or tagged if you will). Now, you have to tell 6 odd or not so odd facts about yourself, and select 6 of your friends to do the same. Once you post your 6 fa...
Posted by Axel on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 08:35:00 PST


So apparently, your not supposed to pull 2 or 3 bananas out of the garbage and eat them skin and all. No one ever told me that so how was I supposed to know. Like no one even hinted it to me before. N...
Posted by Axel on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:45:00 PST