I'm really good at falling and accidentally hurting myself. Seriously, it's like a God given talent or something.
I talk with my hands. It's quite embarrassing, but it runs in the family.
I am a native New Yorker *born and raised in Yonkers*
I love classic muscle cars, and classic vintage cameras. They make me happy...perhaps unnaturally so, but that’s no matter. ^_^ I am one of the rare girls you might meet that likes to talk shop and cars and tools and loves to watch men work on cars. I have the men in my family to thank for that.
i also have an unnatural obsession with hipbones...the protrude-y kind, you know...oh sweet jesus, i donno what it is, they drive me wild. i love the way a man stands, the way he holds his hips to one side, the way he struts, the way he walks...i love it all, and nothing turns me on more than a hot set of hip bones sauntering my way.
I like to watch cartoons...i like to laugh. I like people that make me laugh. I like pretty places and pretty things. I like deep conversations about nothing and everything. I like stargazing at 1 am in the middle of nowhere. I like that my brain remembers the silliest, most random things at the silliest, most random times.
I have been obsessed with the martial arts since i was a young girl...i am sadly not training at this time, but i plan on one day attempting Capoeira *cough*i wish*cough*
I am first generation born American. My mom was born in Portugal and my dad was born in Sicily. Because of this, I was raised a bit differently than most of my peers.
I love learning, i cannot learn enough, i love learning about cultures and religions and everything, if you can teach me, and I want to learn. I love going on random adventures at random times to random places I’ve never been.
I am a big dork, but i can be serious. I won't let other people suffer if i can help it, i will go to any lengths to make it all better. If you come into my life, i will never forget you...
I believe that the eyes are the windows to your soul. I believe in the supernatural, the spirit world, and I am a very spiritual person.
I have found a new affinity for beach bonfires…but the close-knit small group of friends, some marshmallows and orange-cream sodas kind.
All right, here it comes: I love the beach. I love the beach at night especially. It is the place I need to go to center myself and feel at peace. The moon reflecting on water as the waves crash loudly around me makes me feel alive.
I never feel so at peace as when I am behind a camera…photography is my passion and my soul.
I am a dreamer, but I still have my feet planted on the ground. My brain can sometimes get away from me, and I think too long and too hard. I ponder everything from the existence of man to wishing I could see the world as a bumblebee does.
I am very passionate about many things.
I love observing people, watching their actions, listening to their words, watching the ways their bodies move and sway, the way they walk, talk, laugh, smile and just exist.
I like the dark, sitting in it watching movies, or reading by a dim light, or just curled up next to someone. I sleep under many blankets-it’s a comfort thing. I like being warm.
I am a klutz by nature, have a horrible memory, and my attention span rivals that of goldfish and raccoons. But I hear it makes life more interesting to know me.
I love coffee shops…but not the hoity-toity Starbucks “coffee houses.†I mean the coffee houses where the walls are lined with barely standing bookshelves filled with ancient copies of Ayn Rand, George Orwell and Winnie The Pooh, along with board games missing half their pieces. The chairs and tables never match, and the beanbag in the corner is always taken, no matter how early or late you get there. There is a stage off to the left, open mike night is Wednesdays, live music on Fridays. Feel free to order a chai tea and wax intellectual over a rousing game of “find the rest of the monopoly pieces.†I’ll be in the corner, staring out the window, dreaming of where I want to go next, the images I will be creating, and wondering why that guy in the puke-green armchair is picking his nose behind a yellowing copy of “Fountainhead.â€
Wanna know more? Come and find me in my dark little corner of the café, typing away gleefully on my Mac laptop *affectionately named "Lucy" after my mother's favorite childhood toy* and sipping from the largest mug they have.
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