About Me
Lucille Ball, Lygers, Mexicans, Andy Warhol, Italians, Gay Marriage, Lefties, Garcia, Cheap Champagne, Family, Calico Beards, Tlaquepaque, EyeBrows, Perrier, Education, X-men, Madonna (the Artist), Parties, Halloween, Lions, Chai Tea, Warm Weather, Veracruz, Castillo,Leather Jackets, New shoes, Youth Empowerment, Encee, Superman, Pina Colada, Skechers, Stephanie Miller, Albuquerque, Sushi, Adios Motherfucker, Paneagua, Disney, Gone With the Wind, Madonna (my dog), Museums, As If!, Tequila, SHAG, Magic Mountain, The Lion King, La Fabulosa Dennis Carter Bombay Echo DePegasus Alowishous, Montepellier, Godinez-Berumen, Waterbeds, Talking Smack, Life Of Pi, Grepo, MoTown, Spades, Remembering not Reliving, Herrera, Walt Disney World, PlayStation2, Evita, Alejandro Fernandez, Mt. Zion, Kettle One Martini Dessert Dry, Lord Of The Rings, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Whatever Becky, Tia Anita, dry humps, Amsterdam, Summer, The Jungle Book, Morrisey, Joshua Tree, Satellite TV, Adia,TRUTH, BEAUTY, FREEDOM, and above all LOVE!