T AmO LiZi 03-06-07 profile picture

T AmO LiZi 03-06-07

!!!estoy loco pa tenerte en mis brazos babe!!!

About Me

Yo, wats up peoples... my name is Emmanuel but sum peeps call me E-MAN, Manny, Mexican, tha shit goes on... yo hablo espanol y me gusta mas hablar lo que ingles... was born in Nicaragua, n raised in tha 305, n 4 tha ignorant peeps tats MIAMI... lov it down there... well a few things i lik 2 do is play guitar, n listen 2 musik... im addicted 2 tat shit, i lov music... another thang is workin out, i used to b fat as fuk but tha gym helped me loose la bola de mierda q tenia... bueno i lik 2 sleep alot 2 cuz i work just about every fukin day, yea i kno i hav no lyf but wrk my azz off so i wont b poor, gotta mak tat $$$! lol, well i lov 2 hav out wit my fam, lov them all. n thats bout it, i think... y encontre la mujer de mis suenos, la amo tanto, ella a sido un miligro pa mi!!! I LOV U LIZI!!! im rarly on AIM but just incase my shit is RockerDude887... ight peeps, PEAC3 OUT!!!
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My Interests

i lov music, i said it once n ill say it again... well i also lik architecture, i lov 2 design shit... n lik i said i lov women 2, i got a weakness 4 them, lol, wateva tats wat intereses me...

I'd like to meet:

id lik 2 meet GOD... theres alot i would lik 2 ask him... then i already got a chance 2 meet my fav guitarist Joe Satriani, he is a great influence in my lyf! then all those peeps in NICA tat i dont kno... after them i wanna meet tha perfect grl tat lovs 2 hav a good tim n lovs 2 just chill... tats bout it...P.S. just in case if ur wonderin who Satriani is, i got a vid tat every1 should watch, its a great song tat touches tat heart... called "ALWAYS WITH ME, ALWAYS WITH YOU"
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basically i lik just about everythin exept country... cant stand those mothafukin rednecks singin how they r tha best americans n shit... wateva but i lik TECHNO, TRANCE, OLD SKOOL RAP, 80's METAL, HEAVY METAL, CLASSICAL, REGGAETON, SLASA, MERENGE, BACHATA, n all tat shit... if i list them all then this shit would just go on...
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i lik anythin tats good but in a way realistic... hate tat matrix shit, its all so fukin fake n todo eso pelicula chinas n shit... lik stuff lik Munich, Lord of War, Harts War, Braveheart... n shit lik tat... i also LOV comedy, tha best 1 i think is Not Another Teen Movie, i recomend it...


i dont hav cable but when i hav a chance i lik to watch discovery, national geographic, comedy central, n espn... tats bout all i watch... also simpsons, friends, that 70's sho... tats all good shit!


i lik 2 read shit lik Lord Of The Rings, books 4rm Raymond E. Feist r good as fuk, i finshed tha 1st series n its tha 1st books i actually read 4 fun...


God 1st n foremost... then my fam cuz they help me out when they can, then Satriani cuz i kept me insipered 2 keep playin tha guitar...