BiTCh Im dAH bOmB liKE TicK tiCK.. profile picture

BiTCh Im dAH bOmB liKE TicK tiCK..

oK oK i haVE CHUBBY cheekz"

About Me

WaZ reaLLi reaLLi hoOd AmeRicA!!...weLL 2 staRt thiNgZ off mY namE iZ Brittany iM thA miDDlE oF 4 Kidz i loVe mY big brOtheR MAtt..mY biG sis AshLey & lass bUt noT leaSt my lil sIs Chloe... i cUrrenTlY resiDe in North caKalackY yeZZEr dOin Tha ColLeGe thaNg... i gO 2 saInt AuGusTinE's CollEge...aM 5'7..athletic flubbeR lol canT do thOse..4 all tha ppl tHt knO mE..thaY knO aM obsesseD wit JAMAICA...and of coarSE basKetball..overall am a reaL doWn 2 eartH gurL...tht iS smaRT,athleTic & prettY..tht's a noT mater!alisTic bUt heY i loVE snEakerZ bEinG diFFernt && uNique iS waT i'am..iTZ 2007 i meaN damNN..steP ur Game uP.... shouT ouT 2 mY twO faVoritE pPl iN thA woRldD NAyy && JaYY i LoVE thOSe twO...i reP tha GOON SQUAD tha be$t squAd cauSe we cH!ll ppLZ & we Get$ it poPP!n nO maTTEr thA cirCumstaNCE yaa digg..aM nOt conCeiteD juSS conFidenT in erry THinG i dO..aM gold-oreinteD & i lOVe mY familY & frienDZ... i def believe in LivInG liFe 2 thA fuLLE$t b/c ife I$ short Y waiT.. but tht's a brieF summAry abOut britt...if u have any questions, concerns, ideologies, anything at all feel free to hit me up on... AIM..jamericangyal876... ainT a thiNg buT a chiCken wiNG I MEAN U REALLY GOTTA GET WIT IT OR GET LOST !! PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

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dRE dRE & i

my OthA halFF nAyY $$$


mE*...RoOmiE qUanA...Ang!e...D!aMonD


**sLEeZy f.BAbY Plz saY thA bAbY**

@ tHA aUGZ**

see wat happens when u drink...juss say no!!


Read Em'...when there assigned 4 school...when i'm sad...when i'm mad...when i want 2 let go of my emotions...when i'm really bored...when i want 2 realate 2 something...basically when i want the pain 2 go away and there is nothing left 2 do...bookz hold a lot of my tears..great source of gaining knowledge...u see knowledge is not power APPLIED knowledge is POWER!


GOd.Mommy.Daddy.My Auntie.