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About Me

Some strange music draws me in, makes me come on like some heroine.


My Interests

POETRY LITERATURE MUSIC ART it write it do it love it - favourite gals: Patti Smith, Gertrude Stein, Laurie Anderson, Virginia Woolf, Joan Didion, Julia Kristeva, Rosalind Krauss, Camille Claudel, Louise Bourgeois, Simone Weil, PJ Harvey, Kate Bush, Joni Mitchell, Cat Power, Bjork, Billie Holliday,Louisa Minkin, Elizabeth Chisholm favourite guys: Ludwig Wittgenstein (he teaches me how to think), Paul Celan, Gilles Deleuze (going for baroque), Nietzsche, Rimbaud, Nijinsky, Tarkovsky, Joseph Beuys, Bob Dylan, Fassbinder (the truthful bastard), Bill Hicks (goat-boy), Johnny Cash (best man in black), Niel Young, Kevin Shields, Kurt Cobain, Adrian Toll, Michael Curran, Gordon Dawson

I'd like to meet:

Works of Art, Sisters & Brothers


Viralux, Selfish Cunt, Joy Division, Sex Pistols, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Velvet Underground - check out my interests, you'll find music there too...


Yes I like seeing in the dark.


touch me! t.v. made me sick


Simone Weil, Walter Benjamin, WG Sebald, Antonin Artaud, Virginia Woolfe, Elaine Scary, Edgar Allen Poe, Rimbaud, William Blake, Dante, The Autobiograph of Ignatius Lyola, St. John of the Cross The Dark Night of the Soul, Gilles Deleuze Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Derrida's Memoirs of the Blind


poets, prophets, saints, visionaries, unsung heroes and heroines

My Blog

Oh, she's so a-musing

in the land of ozwhere the ladies smoke cigarseach puff they takeis enough to kill a snakewhen the snake is deadthey put roses on its headwhen the roses diethey put diamonds in its eyeswhen the diamon...
Posted by Trish on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:01:00 PST

eat me

if i close my eyes right now I can hear you read these words as I writebecause that is how we breath readers and writers alike
Posted by Trish on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:21:00 PST

Column of Air

the secret garden is full of split poppies. had the heat wave in saskatchewan melted the glaciers that watered these opium beasts?elsewhere; stunted trees, top heavy, uprooted, bark at the ground cove...
Posted by Trish on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:58:00 PST

A Defence of Poetry

excerpts from Percy Bysshe Shelly ~ A Defence of Poetry Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought an...
Posted by Trish on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 12:13:00 PST