~Rhi-tard~ profile picture



About Me

----------HI! Rhi Here! I'm attending Bath Spa uni reading Fine Art painting in the art school up the massive hill.I think this automatically gives me a cool card cos i wear an apron and ave paint on my face at least 5 days a week and i love it :D
Current Glees include:-The moon, Honey,brown sugar in coffee, dweebs, archers and orange juice, Gold Leaf, coloured eyeliner, lemon meringue, the fondant sweets in Revels, eating whole packets, Jaffa cakes and Cereal in general, absinthe, whole spoonfuls of nutella and STRIPES, txt msgs im not expecting, black biros, sun, anklets, money and lots of it!, jugs (innit), kt, my pink scarf, grubby XL on a monday night, bath spa dress up krew, having the shower as hot as humanly possible, early morning runs, painting all day everyday, Oil paints, woodwork, Ryv and phil and milky buttons?
I like things to be bright and pretty and full of glee. Putting my hands in massive tins of paint and gold leaf and the like.I'm a self confessed geek, i like spending hours on pointless tasks just for some kind of self pride. If it's not perfect then im not finished.

My Interests

Basically then, this girl RULES !!!


She's one might beast you would love to have on ur side...this girl isn't just a hat rack you know...a goodun to have in a sticky situ i'd say...she's got some fight in her yet matey! corrrrrr!

^^She's also my relaxing buddy.....NAH'MEEN?^^

I'd like to meet:

Fun people only.

Please only add me if you ahve spoken to me or messaged me or something...I dont want to be ur friend when ur a complete stranger.

Basically if your my friend then...you're awesome.

I enjoyed meeting these ones...these are the fun kind...if ur like these then i wanna meet you, u get me?



I enjoy most kinds of music if it doesnt give me a headache and appears to have talent involved in its making, but everyone has an individual taste. usually i find the situation in which you first hear the music often has an effect on your opinion of it...heres that long awaited list of stuff i like. Eels, Strokes, QOTSA, Red Hot Chillis, The Pharcyde, Murs and Slug, Blur, Hard-fi, Oasis, Muse, The Verve, No Doubt, Propellorheads....blahhh god i cant be bothered.


MUST READ BOOK- James Frey-Million Little pieces (doesn't matter if it was all amde up, just brilliantly written!) Lovely Bones-Alice Seabold, Memoirs of a Geisha-Arthur Golden...blah lots of others.


~Helen Louise Pressley~

^^ yeh, she's a HERO! ^^

The bestest sister i could ever have wished for, you only realise how much someone rules when they aren't around very much anymore!

Basically that photo rules because...

a) we both look like myspacker tards

b) my hand doesnt look like it belongs to me...and thats always a good thing.

I know your jealous that my boyfriend is so special. ahuh.


I pretty much like this one!