tall bikes. music. riding my bike. brazilian jiu-jitsu. swimming. bowling. massage. kombucha. taking pictures. reading. tattoos. fasting. hanging upside down. hip hop shows. snuggling. the cubs. being outside. cooking. making tinctures. healing. organic food. tetragrammaton. camp fires. hoodies. cut-offs. beer. plugs.
img src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i179/rhythmic_wind/ri pjd4pk.jpg" border="0"
al green. a tribe called quest. roy ayers. j dilla. zero 7. de la soul. bikini kill. sade. lootpack. 9th wonder. peter tosh. j-live. strange fruit project. kyuss. gil scott-heron. mf grimm. tha alkaholiks. goapele. camp lo. krs-one. hieroglyphics. oh no. jobbykrust. the charmels. dj drama. pharcyde. souls of mischief. hocus pocus. nausea. da lata. hi-tek. sebutones. little brother. bjork. talib kweli. blackalicous. pharrell. binary star. the misfits. lost children of babylon. biggie smalls. immortal technique. lifesavas. lady sovereign. frank sinatra. kev brown. micranots. journey. wu-tang. paris. the foreign exchange. living legends. foo fighters. mystic. tupac. jigga. organized konfusion. erykah badu. india irie. madlib. black star. thievery corporation. dj mark farina. sonic youth. dj green lantern. damian marley. cannibal ox. seu jorge. common. prince. stevie wonder. devin the dude. dezarie. early metallica. iron maiden. sizzla. sixtoo. big l. bahamadia. dj drez. dpz. killah priest. nasty nas. odb. pharoahe monch. portishead. epmd.
carlito's way. waking life. baraka. ninja scroll. i heart huckabees. style wars. scratch. redneck zombies. city of god. amelie. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. life and debt. garden state. office space. 2pac resurrection. lord of the rings. the freshest kids. sin city. loose change. natural born killers. dead man walking. true romance. where the buffalo roam. the godfather. pulp fiction. taxi driver. ghost in the shell. breaking away. gremlins. brown sugar. the shining. akira. american beauty. pi. groundhog day. v for vendetta. full metal jacket.
don't have cable or any channels...but...twin peaks. mr show. freaks and geeks. robot chicken. daily show. family guy. da ali g show. aqua teen hunger force. entourage.
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Tao Te Ching. The Biggest Secret by David Icke. The Secret Life of Plants. Key of Solomon. Illusions. Chuang Tzu. Legends of the Bible. The Essene Gospel of Peace. Healing Codes for a Biological Apocolypse by Leonard Horowitz. Siddhartha. The Other Bible.
Chuang Tzu. This grapevine for not breaking... .. everyone in this video (xylophone, dreaded mullet, double bass, killer guitar. dope bass line.everything)