does it really matter, i mean really.... do you think you can base whether or not you have any interest in me by my interests? You are going to ridicule anything in my list of possible things that I like so that way you can feel superior, and me, unworthy to be talked to. So if I list my interests, its not going to make a damn bit of a difference because thats how this thing works.
Anyone who can brighten my mood, or at least just say "hey, you suck"
I stole this picture by the way.
Just know I listen to good music.
I hope I have enough flair
Fight Club, Pirates of the Carribean, Se7en, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Donnie Darko, The Life of David Gale, How High, Ghost World, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Reservoir Dogs, Say Anything, High Fidelity, Spider-Man, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Punch Drunk Love, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure & Bogus Journey, Lord of the Rings Series, ..... this list goes on also
short list: Stupid White Men, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Great Shark Hunt, La Club Dumas, Jack Kerouac: On the Road.
Jack Black, Johnny Depp, Bill Gates, Robin Williams, Ghandhi, and My Parents.