Mr. Black profile picture

Mr. Black

Allergic to Broke

About Me

i cant say this enough, "a man will respect a woman as much as she commands it" and if u dont get it, sorry for ya.if u like what u see, send a note or yahoo IM- illgothereforu
~Moving on, I'm from Kansas and new to Texas (irving) so im lookin for friends around town right now but no one seems to value friendship these days unless it comes with a benifit. With time maybe ill meet a good woman but no rush. I'm 27 as of July 28th and i..m standin 6ft2 for more info there are pics down below.
Anyways u see i'm light skinned. I..m a mix of West Indian-Caribbean, Gullah- a french creole/ Geechee Black English speaking culture, Iroquois indian and West African roots. Know ur history and where you came from. Dont be ignorant and say "i got indian in my blood" cause black folks are always quick to claim that indian side arent we?! Especially if we got some good hair lol. My point is u got more in you than u probably know.
~As i mature and understand what it really means to be a respectable man, i ask does anyone wait for sex anymore? what happened to building that foundation of friendship all while being attracted to one another? what happened to those days of junior high school where you thought u were the sh*t because u got a french kiss between class or skippin class to make out? even copped a feel! that was our form of sex when i was growin up. wasnt no sexin, just some grindin. maybe an occassional "let me see it" type thing lol. It would be nice to come across a woman who wouldnt mind waitin to be sexual when dating begins. Give some sort of challenge to this tired dating scene.
~I live alone, got a job and got a car thats paid for, no kids yet for me. Im tryin to live my life and do what i want before i settle down which could happen in a couple years given the right situation comes along. I do believe in God and he..s blessed truly me. i come from a religious background even though my halo is a lil crooked.
~i..m a college educated man and not a lot of brothas can say that these days. i'll have my B.A. in graphic design or advertising. I'm also in the process of writing my first book and starting my own online magazine company that will eventually reach print status so i will be networking real soon.
~one word of advice, before anything serious happens with a relationship try and be friends first. get to know ur mates last name or fav color before startin the sex talk. people just dont value friendships anymore. what happened to being bestfriends while being in a relationship? now a days people just wanna be together but have separate best friends.
~I'm just doing me for now. everyone has been with one person who just cant seem to appreciate what God has presented them. so until God says settle down, im just doing me and getting further into my career and goals. i'm blessed and highly favored.
~I'll admit, every man needs a strong woman and every man needs a friend in their strong woman, not just someone to get the booty from, even in this day an age where sex sells. i prefer my woman not in front or in back of me but by my side through thick and thin. Someone who prefers to talk their problems out and not get an attitude or walk away from it but listens and works it out. if you care about ya man, you..ll do what it takes as he should u.

My Interests

"I'll sell ice in the winter, ill sell fire in hell. I am a HUSTLER baby, ill sell water to a well."

if you wanna know more or to see more pics, hit me up yahoo- illgothereforu

Unsigned music artist website coming soon!

Starting two magazine companies. Both coming soon!

I'd like to meet:

Let me say this...

Absolutely LOVE WOMEN but i am not attracted to the women with pictures ur your self bent over showin ur thong, showin ur bra and panties in the mirror at home or that club picture of u squattin on the floor with ya @ss facing the camera man throwin up the bird. Then u got nerve to get mad when these fellas are hittin u up with sexual and indecent comments? have a lil more self respect and dignity. "But I Am Thee sh*t.......and all ya'll are just poooop stains" lol

Did you ever think that that maybe the reason your meeting "aint sh*t brothas" is because ur displaying an "aint sh*t" character sometimes by puttin ur self out there like u got no respect for ur self? i mean for real, a lot of these fellas "aint sh*t" but this world also offers the same in women. I just wish more would have a lil more class, dignity and self respect.
A man will only respect a woman when she commands it.

~Movin on, ever meet or talk to someone who was physically attractive by their attitude and personality was straight garbage? for me, in the end there..s somethin about a woman who just takes pride in herself and appearance regardless of size but make sure your kind on the inside as well. Shallow people are a disappointment. Yeah the media and music makes it look cool to be a player but it doesnt do nothin for me. Just be real with me and i..ll be more than real with you. i am a ONE WOMAN MAN. if you cant handle that then kick rocks.BR
I am HIGHLY attracted to a woman who has a plan for her life. knows what she wants in her life whether its a man or a career even if she has kids. Please have some sort of idea as to what is is you want from a man. Do u really want a man? do u want to just date? if ur not ready for relationship, or dating one man then say it. im not sayin i want to jump into anything but i do know im a man of God and every man needs his equal. there are too many people who ask for someone with sense, stability, a job, a career, no drama and treats a woman for what shes worth but when she gets him, she doesnt know what to do. that still puzzles me.

Again, i am not from Texas so dont compare me to how these guys down here are doin the women bad. I hear so many complaints about how the men do women but then im seein women actin the same exact way! whats up with that? if ur gonna complain about how the men do, then make sure ur game is right and a double standard isnt taking place.

~Chivalry is not dead! There are cats down here who do believe in opening doors for a woman, takin off his hat when he meets the parents, cooking for a woman, makin sure his house is clean and i dont mean his momma house or him and his roommates house, i mean HIS house meaning he lives alone, likes to look nice, smell good AND go to church. A man who will fight for his woman, still has a basic concept of romance, morals and loves his mother. I am that type of man and pride myself on livin the way i speak. I have a swagger about myself thats unlike any other, so again do not compare me to any man in this state.

~The following are things delt with in females and i..m pretty much fed up with and will no longer tolerate. im NOT ANGRY OR BITTER. i..m very sweet to every woman, romantic, respectable, trusting, honest and to the point (no beating around the bush). i can be a smart @ss but i..m just tired of things that some people are trying to get away with.

~People with no common sense.

Is it a Texas thing to say "i dont have a man, but i have friends"?

Why do u refer to someone ur creepin with as a "Situation"?

~Females who try to holla but know they dont talk that much so they always callin and sittinquiet on the line expectin you to carry all the convo.

~Fellas who used to beat,verbally abuse, take advantage, leave as soon as a kid is brought into the pic or neglect woman cause right now she shurt and makin it pretty hard to open up to a brotha since shes got her gaurd up one very man she meets. She probably ruins things before they even get started cause shes afraid of bein hurt again. Herwall is extra high and its makin it real hard for a real man to treat her right and let her know there is a such thing as a REAL man in this world.

~Please...stop assuming that just cause a brotha say hi to ya online doesnt mean i wanna holla or want u to be with me. First off, i dont even know u! its annoyin when i say hi and the first thing out ya mouth is "ur not my type." Hell, u prolly aint a dime or a silver dollar to me neither. i might think ur just a shined up nickel piece wit a big head thinkin every fella wants a piece of u and it aint even on that level. Is there anything wrong with being polite these days? Arrogance is NOT attractive.

~Some females make me laugh gettin mad sayin "i aint no hoe!!" but makin it easy for every guy to get in them panties after the club lets out on friday and saturday night.

~Females out havin occasional sex wit more than one guy but sayin "i dont suck d*ck, thats for someone special when i get married". Excuse me but isnt sex itself supposed to be an intimate moment wit someone special?? If u gonna have sex DO IT ALL!! but be safe.
~Is it just me or did u notice now a days you have to ask are you single? kids? married? ever been married? got a job? and are u straight?
~People that say they have no time for games on their homepages or in general but in reality, they are the ones playin the games and being immature. You might hear em complain about not havin a good man or woman but the one complaining is doin the the lyin, decieving, head games and actin childish.

~I dunno about you but i cant stand people who get an attitude cause you got one when the they know they messed up. Its like "What you got an attitude for? Your the one who F*cked up! Not me."

~Please do not bring ur bitter past into ya new relationship or when ur tryin to date someone new. its not fair to the person who truely wants to do u right. if ur not ready to move on then u should stay single. its crazy how some of u will invite someone new into ur life only to tell them ur not ready or not over the last person u were with.

~Ladies PLEASE stop sayin "im not used to a good man so i dont know how to treat one because i've never had one."
~Females who dont know where they are in their lives and arent makin effort to do better or dont know whether or not you wanna be with one guy or play the field. i really cant stand the ones who date 2 or 3guys at one time just to see which one has more to offer than the other then lets feelings develope with all of them. i aint a hater but dont bother me wit that sh*t.

~When someone tells u "if thats what you think" or "sorry u feel that way" and arent tryin to help the situation or keep u from feelin a certain way.

~Females who choose the drama havin thug with no job, not tryin to have one and livin wit grandma and atleast one baby momma over the guy who..s got no kids or being a good dad wit no mama drama and a good job hes had for longer than 1 yr. Most likely the response is "But sex is the sh*t wit his no job havin @ss!"

~When you dont lick your lips before you kiss. why you wanna kiss my lips with your dry @ss lips? mine stay soft, yours should too.

~Females that say "i aint puttin my mouth on that! you pee wit that, thats nasty." But i..m sittin here sayin to myself "u just asked me a minute ago to put MY mouth on yours!"
~Dont u hate it when someone bigger or WAY uglier than you calls YOU fat or ugly. Aint that some sh*t?

~People who say they are going to call at a certain time but dont call for a long time after they are supposed to so there you are sittin and waitin on their @ss to call when you could have been out doin somethin else. Or when you make plans with someone and the time they said they would be ready or wanting you to call, they are out doin somethinelse thats not a priority.
~Whats the point in callin someone if u have nothin to say and why do they always seem to get mad when u wanna let there no talkin @ss go? got u sittin there like do u have anything to say? then they are like "not really." At that point u ready to hang up huh?

~When ur on the phone at night and the one ur talkin to is fallin asleep but when u say "go to sleep", they say "no i wanna talk to you" but their @ss is still dozin off! Have u ever talked to someone fallin asleep on the phone and their talkin bout sh*t u have no clue about cause driftin in and out of sleep!
~People who try to talk to you on the phone while your sleep or right after you wake up (on your day off for example). You layin there aint sayin sh*t cause you tryin to either wake up or enjoy your sleep hopin they will be considerate enough to say sorry i..ll let you get back to sleep,but no. they still on the phone talkin and wonderin why you aint sayin much.

~Dont u hate it when u be talkin on the phone and they busy talkin to everyone in their house at the same time? is it just me or does ur finger always creep slowly to that hang up buttin when that happens?

Fellas, if ur over the age of 27 and ya @ss is STILL tryin to make it big as a rapper? let it go it aint gonna happen lol. Stop wasting your studio time!
~Sayin you got time for someone and lookin for one to be with but when you get one you like and likes you back, that same person that said they have time for a relationship is tellin you 2 & 3 weeks later they dont have time cause they are too busy with school,work and other activities but still tryin to holla. So your pissed cause they knew they didnt have the time you deserve but they chose to get attached anyways.

~People who talk trash on their ex sayin "yeah we broke up and i aint never gettin back with them, he/she can kiss my @ss cause they treated me like sh*t", but then you see that same person a few weeks later and they back with the same ex they said they would neva get back with. "i love em and he/she promised they would change". then what usuallyhappens? they get hurt again
~Why do people say "We always break up and get back together" when he or she cheated on you before and you let em move back in only to have drama all over again and kick em back out. you know they gonna get back together after all the drama they been through. Why? Cause its the only person they ever been with or first love.

~Dont say you want man or woman but your gonna put the club, smokin weed, and other things before your so-called man or woman. Yes family and kids come first but you gotta know where to draw the line. if you dont have time for someone dont let emotions develope. Make it clear. dated older females and i cant stand it where just because you might be older, you think its okay for you to talk down or make yourself out to be better because of your age and the things you have been through. Just because you are older does not make you more mature than someone younger than you.~And just because u got a kid DOES NOT make u an adult.
~Stop sayin "well my kids come before any man". That should be a given and a big @ss DUH woman!DONT YOU HATE THIS TOO? "where ya wanna go?"
"it dont matter."
"okay, where do you want to eat?"
"itsup to you."
"well what ya wanna do?"
"whateveryou want."
"do you know what you want to eat"
"not really, i dont care."
"are you hungry?"
"yeah a lil."
"well theres food in the fridge."
"i dont want none of that."
"well what you wanna eat?"
"i dunno."
"well sh*t, what do you know?"
"i know a lot."
~Aint that Sh*t annoyin?
~Sayin "I DONT KNOW" everytime you ask em somethin. why is it when it comes to somethin they wanna do they sure are quick to know when and where they are gonna do it dont they?~yahoo: illgothereforu


Hip Hop and the good R&B


Purple Rain, Boomerang, Boyz N the Hood, Menace 2 Society, Best Man,Napoleon Dynamite,

the Friday trilogy

Favorite Quote: "I got mind control over Deebo. When he say shut the f*ck up - I be quiet. But when he leave, I be talking again."


Family Guy, Smallville, CSI, CSI Miami.


The Davinci Code


My parents. Fortunate to grow up in a two parent household.