Individuality, A word many live by. the ones who run in flocks to the same clothing stores and the same fast food joints. screaming for freedom and being unique, that is what fuels the creative fires of Lyre's subconcious. With dark, brooding and inspiring lyrics, creator Justin Booth has sworn to never shy away from the taboo of musical content " I refuse to stop myself from singing about more than how much i miss a fucking girl or how bad my life sucks, I'm quite tired of hearing it. I constantly hear that some of my songs are to mean or that i shouldnt say what ive said. We're all having these thoughts i use in my lyrics, I dont think people should have to deny it or fear those thoughts, and i think the people who understand that are the ones that find themselves drawn to my work" ..That being said, Lyres lyrical content consists of dark, soft, heavy, and beautiful pieces of untapped art.. " There are many people like me, i couldnt never say im an individual, its a word that really dosnt exist, no matter the level of distance we make from the majority, we find ourselves right in that group of dis-connected individuals, so id never take credit for the ideas i have as being unique, Im just aware that the feelings and thoughts i have are worth fighting for and chasing regardless of the chances of fame" Justin started Lyre in the winter of 2003 at the age of 15. consisting of just a 50 doller guitar and 5 doller walmart mic, his first demos were made with a simple sound recorder on a pc. Justin has always believed in showing the world his under developed music with great pride. " Im very aware some of the people who listen to my music wonder why it isnt mixed by a million doller hollywood ass hole...the music wasnt created for them, I find my favorite songs are original demos of the bands who have inspired me to do what i do, and even then you can only find the demos done in a big studio after the band was signed..i want to show my listeners a complete evolution with an outcome im not even sure of yet, ive still got a song on my page from when i was 17, becouse it isnt ready yet for re sharing. If i had to wait until i was signed by a record label and had a million doler budget to share the work ive done, i would never fully discover myself, i would only work on 12 or 13 songs over the corse of years, singing them with less and less emotion as the months went on, leaving me with an empty life and passionless cd, prefer to show a song right after i record it, without great mixing or editing, even drums or bass. to be like every other band would drop what creativity i do have, and leave me in a pit of similarity, that im quite sure i would never imerse from... "..