Animation programs, anime, books, computers, drawing, Full Metal Panic!, manga, music, school...
Indie, techno, Japanese SKA, Shaka Labbits, Michael Buble, Tally Hall, Tenacious D, OK GO, Gnarls Barkley, Weird Al
Snakes on a Plane, Accepted, Clerks, Clerks II, Grandma's Boy, Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Stranger than Fiction, Train Man, Live Free or Die Hard, Hot Fuzz, Knocked Up, 1408
House MD, CSI Las Vegas (I love Grissom), Lost, Law and Order SVU, Ghost Hunters. The History Channel and Discovery Channel = 3
Manga, Stephen King, Harry Potter, Japanese history/culture books, Art History.
CLAMP, Tenacious D, Mike Rowe,Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, and Gatou Shouji, of whom I cannot get a picture of.