Half geek-half freek [Im Rick James bitch] with some frustrated rock star swagga dashed in there somewhere [someone teach me how to play the guitar pleeeease]... hmm..for starters I am technologically retarded so allow me a couple of days to sort out this non event of a page [Charlotte is an analogue girl in a digital world, paper, pen, insert, eject..this is as far as i reach]...in spite of demoralising myspace introductory experience [the computer minefield, the options, the pressure to acquire friends...i never intended to attempt to have so many friends...the horror, the horror]Im lookin to basically network with like minded peoples, I'm open minded when it comes to music, i think that the best producers and artists have had a listen to as much as they can in terms of scope...so i dont discriminate musically [im more prejudiced about my shoes and my menfolk] whatever sounds quality is a tune, all sick beats point this way please...i dont do "guilty pleasures", everthin bless, I'll skank out to anything that goes hard, YAHH BITCH YAHH [reference: soulja boy "yahh bitch yahh"...nobody knows why this song is allowed to exist but it might just be a work of geniosity [sorry if Kimora Lee can ay bay bay her way to pretending "fabulosity" is a viable word then I can claim "geniosity" mmmkay], see ahotmess.wordpress.com and bossip.com for more deliciously jack-able acronyms and cruelly designated alias names. Also, seein as I have revealed my dirty like Pete Doherty's finger nails blog habit to you, have recently discovered Mr Shan Phearon's blog http://betterneverthanlate.blogspot.com/ its doin a lot to the point where I might have developed slight blog envy [hope it doesnt lead to the unsightly "impetigo" recently spotted on Amy Winehouse's cheek...jesus be a tube of e45 cream, girl needs the skin doctor] To read more of TheMarilynFactor opinionating go to EAR.TYPEPAD.COM for reviews of events at The Southbank Centre.
I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net