I have been playing drums since I was 9 years old. I always enjoyed performing and making music. I got my first turntables when I was 18. Started throwing parties, playing live. After a while I had to go to school and my DJing carrier was put on hold. After finishing school and getting a good job I got into producing. I went through different styles and ended up producing electronic music. It was my favorite. That is when I decided to DJ again. I played in local clubs and bars, since my carrier was going nowhere I soon pretty much lost interest in everything. During all this time I was heavy into drinking, using drugs, going to clubs. Having "fun". I tryed everything in life, but nothing could satisfy me. Slowly my partying was getting worse as well as my depression. I could not understand why am I here and why do I have to live this life if it does not bring my joy and happiness. That's when I started looking for answers. Soon after I started looking Lord Jesus Christ found me. I turned away from my old life style and put my trust in Jesus to save me. I finally recieved that peace and happiness that I was looking for. I recieved a joy of I knowing that all my sins are forgiven and I can be in peace with God and live with Him forever. God gave me a new heart. I quit drinking, using drugs, all the bad stuff. I became a new man overnight. Inspired by all this I started writing new music again and DJing. Check out my music and praise God for everything He does...