Horse riding- My hobby, passion & future career. I've been riding for 14 years. Photography & music- A way of expressing myself.
Give me a big hug/cuddle and it'll make me smile.
Sometimes its the little things that mean the most.
I find it hard to trust people and sometimes worry about where i stand with them. I can get hurt easily but i bottle it up inside untill i cant take it anymore.
Rosa- My best mayte and i tell her everything.
Guffy- She always puts a smile on my face
Chris- Hes really understanding and caring
Lui- Shes so funny and always very caring.
Mr Whiz is my 14.2hh welsh cob section D pony. I've been training him for 2 years in SJ XC DR & his manners in general. Hes not an easy pony but hes made me a better rider.