BISHOP is a wanker....YO profile picture

BISHOP is a wanker....YO

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About Me

Hello. Ani Pannell (Y) I dislike winter :( My life's pretty good Good friends, Lots of love :) Easily entertained Likes Cider Sunday Waitress, and it's ok Franklin, still missing Kevis :/ -Bishop -Jachel Langley -Jenbert And, kevis fo' life...even though it's over now ...maww Yeh Im reet Laterz

My Interests

Friends, people, things (the more pointless the better), going out anywhere, going out everywhere, going on day trips, going to town, meeting early for breakfast(but only occassionally), the beach, hubbards hills, holidays, parties(good ones, yeh), dancing at parties, themed parties(but not all that often), cake, beer, other bevs., kevis, drama (coz im dead dramatic), classact, the people at classact, cider sundays(and other related activities), pigs, getting excited about going somewhere, going to louth, going places that you can dress-up, free-weekend texts (i'm a phone person), trains, airports and duty-free, shopping, meadowhall(mit kathe ward), SUMMER!, BBQ's, warm food (microwaved), going out for meals, chocolate, pie, muffins( and chocolate ones) photos that make you smile when you look at them, myspace all of the time, msn in moderation, sharpie pens, phone calls, worth-while gigs, sleeping, stretching, breathing deeply. Life baby.

I'd like to meet:

Maybe you... but i won't know until i'v met you, and then it'll be to late mate :/ but certainly none of these people :O


lots of stuff and you don't care about any of it :)


Men in black (just number 1 though), starwars, pride and prejudice, stigmata, donnie darko, lord of the rings, cinderella, queen of the damned, nightmare before christmas and lots of other tim burton films, MEAN GIRLS, clockwork orange, bla bla bla...




Bigger Than Hitler Better Than Christ, Tithe, stuff Dan Brown wrote, all of the Harry Potters, LOTR, Catch 22, Sabriel (fuck yeh), Atonement, The Unfair Sex, We Need To Talk About Kevin etc etc etc


The Goebbles and Emily Dent Daisy FUCKIN Brickett