art and writing. and being a sarcastic bastard. seeing bands is nifty. staying poor as hell. smoke 'em if ya got 'em. dressing like a french maid. I mean...girls who dress like a french maid...not me...because why would I do that, that's just...just downright silly and...I gotta go!.................... other than that maybe I shouldn't say(and the reason i shouldn't say isnt because i lead a sick, disturbing cooler-than-you lifestyle, its because its incredibly corny, and no wants to hear my thoughts on Spider-man.)
Anything that I could use as a themesong while walking to the store to buy coffee. No bee gees.If i go out, its 80's, darkwave, goth synthop, if i'm in the gym its industrial, if i'm at work its mainstream garbage. but I've danced to things I said i didnt like, and hated things I once recommended, so there. just pretend there's a big ass list of cool stuff here,k? thanks.
The Prophecy movies, Falling Down, The Crow, Zipperface, Dark City... But anything with a superhero or a bunch of goombahs in it catches me, and by god, anything with Christopher Walken.
Can I get a 'Whoa Bundy?'
"How To Serve Man."It's a cookbook!