Guitar player and singer of Pinknoise
Bass player and singer of Bulimic zombie choir
always happy, always much too bussy, honest, crazy, especialy when it comes to my guitar sound :)
I'm running a rehersal room for local bands; Intero, EOTB, Regroove, Pinknoise, BZC, Flex, Doomed, Alles and some more.
Some say it's the best rehersal room on earth, I just say: Its mine and I love it :)
Sometimes I like to Haaidive, mostly during the building of Pikpop (as you can see below :)
There are also times I put on my mask and try to find some nice brains to eat, as you can see below :)
Later on I wil add more movies and pictures about this very strange creature called Oldstock
For more information about me you can always contact me through mail or MSN but.... BE VERY AWARE.... :)