My match has to be someone who is secure, knows where she is going in life, and has a sense of humor to put up with me. As I stated above, I don't have any time for any issues, I just won't deal with them. So leave all your issues at the door. My match also has be able to have fun and go out on the town, but must not be a "party girl". I want a "mature" woman,( and i use that spairingly) who's past all that "I just want to have fun" stage. She also has to have great style, be up to date with all the latest trends in fashion and wouldn't mind a few shopping trips with me for clothes. Another thing she has love sports, great music and the great culture of South Louisiana. If you are all the things I've said above, well your chances are a little better than average. Do you think you fit the bill??? Well, send me a message and find out.