I'm interested in what would happen if you put a blue AND a red crayon in a deep fryer. I've already established that at perkins, if you throw a green crayon into the deep fryer, ALL of the oil turns green. So, using the rules of primary colours, if I throw in both blue and red, would I be treated to a huge vat of purple oil?
You. ;-)j/k, I dunno, an alien that I'm deathly afraid of, but then I'd be disappointed by all the hype...you know, like a crazy exam or test everyone's so scared of, but when it comes time to write it, you're all like, "that's it?" and it's pretty funny.
Anything good.
Ong Bak!! The single most coolest thai kickboxing movie I've ever seen in my life.
I use my tv to play xbox, I personally hate tv.
I'm currently reading Fight Club, the Harry Potter series and the Chronicle of Narnia series.
Anyone who truthfully gives at least 100% of themselves. You are my hero.