You know, there isn't anything about the world I dont love. With the exception of these very few things:People who think they can save the world single handedly, like that one person can stop air pollution by riding a bike and not wearing
shoes.Midgets who think they're tough guys. They're not, they are the ass of any joke. "Hey Bob did you see that terrorist on the news?"
" Yeah, what an angry brown midget!"Dogs that wipe their ass across the carpet.People that marry their cousins.Teachers that say " Would you like to share that with the rest of the class?"
"We were just disscusing the circumference of your fat
ass."People who stare at birthmarks or diformaties while they are talking to the person.People who take a double take at fat chicks.Indians.Aliens that anal probe.Days Pres. Bush is still in office. I'm going to get drafted soon.That Puff the Magic Dragen song.The film Electra, that was the biggest piece of crap I ever saw. And that actress is way to strong looking.THE END.But in actuallity I would be a hypocryte (spelled that terribly wrong I think) if I said I have never done numerous things on my list. The truth is I love making fun of stuff and having a great time. I don't take things serious and love anybody who can take a good joke. After all, a laugh a day keeps that guy with the slimey glooves away!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
The actor who played Michealangelo in the ninja turtle movies. And ofcoarse Jim Carrey