im interested in diving..parasailing..
In the past: I would love to meet abraham lincoln, my moms dad. my grandma sayre again. In the present: I would absolutly go crazy if i got to meet julia roberts, meg ryan, mary-kate or ashley olsen, george clooney, brad pitt, angelina jolie, brittney spears, and tons of other people.
i love any type of music..anything uplifting..good rythym..stuff to dance to and sing to in the shower when noones watching!
Peter Pan, Marry Poppins, The Prestige, 6 days & 7 nights, Disturbia....
The Hills all the way would have to be my favorite television show...I love L.C. and Heidi.. I love to watch the real life drama! lol The real world and Laguna Beach are also some fav's
A Child Called It
My grandma Mokie, my Uncle Lloyd, my aunt Katie, my dad, my sister/ her hubby, grandma sayre, my mom, myself, my stepdad, my grandpa thornton,