swim, water polo, hiking, caving, scuba diving, culture, Folk tales, crew, white water rafting, mountain biking, any kind of dancing, My irish pride ect.
i'm changing this to where i'd like to go. Africa, and every country in Europe that i am genetically conected to.
Favorites are Queen, Reliant K, Blind Guardian, All American Rejects, songs from broadways or musicals, practically everything exept slow country songs and fake music
Almost anything Disney, Pirates, Indiana Jones, Sound of Music, Robin Williams on Broadway, Batman Begins, Everafter
This present Darkness, Blink, all of the Harry Potter books, Grimms' Fairy tales, House of the Scorpion, The Golden Compass, Phantom of the Opera,( I read alot but i'm very picky)
My heros are more of the people I look up to and have influenced me for the better which include Bill and Joan O'Toole, my grandparents, Rico, Melissa and several of my friends which will go unnamed.
What Mythical Creature Best Suites Your Personality?
You are sweet and forgiving. People love you, there is no doubt about that. Keep it up and you will become Miss. Populartiy!!! You arn't timid and you let people know that in a nice way. Congratulations!!!
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