Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™things that make me happy: being called "pumpkin" by anthony, long hikes, road trips, sunday adventures, my friends, my family, good conversation, listening to music in the dark, getting lost in a moment, tight hugs, yoga/meditation, working out, kissing, being inspired by art, creating art, playing bartender, fine wine & cocktails, cooking for friends, peanut butter on a spoon, cuddling, comfy jeans, hot coffee outside on a cool morning, east coast fall, kicking through leaves, photography, my mac, music, sand in my toes and the smell of the ocean, shiny objects, learning about myself, learning about others, trying to understand life. And i just learned that i really like shooting my boyfriends big ass 500 smith & wesson magnum!
people that can impress me with their kind souls. people with positive attitudes. grown ups that still like to have a good time. balanced people. creative types to talk art geek speak with.
help! music is boring me!!!!
anything that will make me laugh, cry, cringe or think. ________________________
mostly its my nighlight. other times... tlc, discovery and bravo. i'm a sucker for late night reruns of cheesy sitcoms :) ________________________
i'm trying to read more books! any suggestions? I finished "a million little pieces" recently. LOVED IT!!! mostly i like stuff i can learn or grow from. The Artists Way, Many lives - Many Masters, Anne Rice. mostly i just read geeky computer and art stuff... ________________________
my family and friends who haven't been afraid to go after their dreams while staying true to themselves