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If your butt itches, scratch it!!!

About Me

I'm a supposed human being. My idea of what composes a normal, healthy diet is one that contains the following food groups; meat, pork, chicken, dessert and junkfood. my idea of cusine could be summed in a single word, instant. Although im now taking cooking lessons to change that. I'm a tv-holic, computer freak, and book worm but i still know how to have a good time. I like hanging out anywhere. My idea of a good time consists of booze, yosi(smokes),conversations, group activities (not necessarily two) and my asthma medicine... harhar... horrible joke =P

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My Interests

eating, chewing, drinking, smoking, comuter-ing, t.v.-ing, party-ing, kill-ing and anything that may involve blood, gore, torment and pain in particular


eclectic... extrmely eclectic... i dont know why... music is music... i blame you all!!!


never could decide what specific movies i like... i guess i could appreciate any genre even if it is a sappy, cheesy love story that could make Dracula scream bloody murder at the top of his voice.


for me to divulge such information would mean finger suicide. tv is a big part of me, i am a tv-holic, without tv i shall be nothing but an empty shell of a man, nothing more than a glorified pooper scooper.


anything written by jessica zafra(HEIL MANOLING!), especially the twisted series, poetry of elizabeth browning and edgar allan poe (a few others that elude my mind right now), a tale of two cities (I lurve classics and novels), anything about the weird and macomb, just because i fnd it interesting


on this slot... i would like to discuss the eternal question of briefs vs. paper... one of friendsters dumbest ice breaker questions... the thought of tiny cuts on my privates and the pain that it will cause my mind to blank out. i would just like to add that friendster... next time you ask me something like that... you getting something for your bithday... a big steaming pile of burning *BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*. i guess they're my heroes... my stupid heroes...