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About Me

CLiCK HERE TO GET A CUTE LAYOUT FROM iROCKSTARZ.COM→bOuT diS mami. .mAi name hAs ben n ppl m0uths f0r years s0 U sh0uld already noe Thee Name is Marlen f0r th0se wH0 didnt noe. .rEmember it n ur head n keep it 0ut y0 mouth. .im a 0ne 0F a kind gRl. .bEn n dis w0rLd since 7/19/89 dAts right baby im a cancer. .aint da c0nceDed typE but bEst believe mai l0ks caN KiLL haha na na jP but i d0nT 0nsider mai Self ugly. .anyways i trEat mai self wit mUch resPect. .s0 feLLas nEed ta c0me at me cOrrecT. .female tRy ta b Me buT nVr wil deY b me iM 0ne 0f a Kind n iLL sTay n ya Head weAther yew Like It 0r n0t. .im Da gRl wiT da FUK YEW aTTitude. .im A ko0 pers0n if ya get ta n0e me. .aInt da type ta plAy games but da type ta drIve a niKKa insane. .at Times i can b a bitcH buT 0nlY if u drive t0 dAt point. .ii G0t A go0d Lyfe I G0t ThEE BeSt fRiiEdN mAi hAnds0m SON! His Name Is Nehemiah N ii Love All 0f ThEm Wiit all My Heart..iim A SinGle MoMmY yUp DoIn It All By My SeLf. .iM cUrEnTlY g0iN t0 c0lLeGe YuP d0iN dAt By Ma SeLf To iiM InDePeNtEnD pErSoN HoLdIn It DoWn FoR Me N My SoN..iiM g0iN t0 c0lLeGe FoR gRaPhIc ArTs N chOre0grAphy n I LOVE GOING TO SKOO!!..ii WoUlD hAvE nEvA tHoUgHt I w0uLd SaY dAt HaHa AnY WaYz ii Love To Draw N Dance. .eSpeciALy t0 BACHATA,REAGET0N,HIP H0P,MERENGUE,CUMBIA. .0k basicaLLy any dance esPecialy t0 LATIN music. .0o0hh yeA i LUV EATIN!! haha weLL Anythin Else u Wanna Know Just Hit Me Up←♥a ReALly go0d Friend 0nce t0ld me♥ ♥♥THE SUN IS THE 0NLY THING THAT CAN MAKE A BEUTIFUL FL0WER BL0SSOM♥♥♥t0 dat friend i Wanna say thanx u SOOOOOO much f0r sayn such a sweet thing t0 it has changed da way i feel n think but thinkg n it has made me feel better b0ut mai self THANX YOU SOO SOO MUCH!!♥*THAT Z0DiiAC 'ii$H* i'MA CANCER S0 THAT MEANz.... *G00D Ki$$ER *VERY HiGH $EX APPEAL *GREAT iN BED *L0VE iS 0NE 0F A KiND *VERY R0MANTiC *M0ST CARiNG PERS0N Y0U'LL EVER MEET! [WHEN THEY WANNA BE!] *ENTiRELY CREATiVE *RAND0M & PR0UD 0F iT *GREAT AT TELLiN' $T0RiES *N0T A FiGHTER BUT WiLL KN0Ck Y0UR LiGHTS 0UT *HARD T0 F0RGET♥♥→'Life is a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once. '←♥♥s0 i n0e there Are quiet a few 0f u guyz here haha s0 ima make it quick f0r ya haha its funny t0 me h0w m0st 0f u d0nt n0e me have never meet 0r seen me n d0nt even g0t a g0od reas0n f0r hatin 0n me..All U really n0e is ma name n s0me facts b0ut me but just bc u read b0ut me 0r s0me1 tels u s0methin b0ut me dat isnt even ur business D0NT MEAN U N0E ME!! get it straight it will take m0re than Myspace 0r any thin else t0 n0e me da 0nly ppl dat n0e me go0d is G0D..s0 if u talk t0 me dat d0nt mean shit u stil g0ts l0ts t0 learn b0ut me..but anyways ppl b thinkin i d0nt let da "DADDY" c his s0n WRONG!! i d0 let him see MA S0N but his "DAD" d0nt wanna see him s0 if there is any1 talkin shit b0ut me sayn all dat get a facts right b4 u assume things..s0 if u wanna hate g0 ahead n be ma guess bc i gives a FUK b0ut Wat a BITCH thinks b0ut me..f0r real just gr0w up n get ur self a LIFE..im my own person if u like it den ko0 if n0t den k0o i can care less ima d0 me n dats it..D0nt think im a bitch bc i wrote this im writin wat i feel bc im a really nice person to n0e n to talk to but d0nt get n ma bad side→Thiis Riight Here iis My Besty/Slut/puta/wifey/Sister ii Love Thiis Giirl To Death She Alwayz Ben There For Me..We Known Each Other Since da 5th Grade..She has been there f0r me n ma s0n Nehemiah wich she d0esn have to but she stil d0es it basically she is da BABY DADDY haha i d0nt care wat u say n if u guys wanna talk shyt den g0 f0r it im just sayn da truth she helps me 0ut n any way 0r f0rm so thanks ma Slut..any ways thiis giirl Gots My Bak To Da fullest n so do ii..of course we Got HATERZ Wich iis funny bc Most Of Them We Never Even Meet But To All U HAterz KiCk RoCkZ!! Unlike U We Got A liife..But She Is CuReNtLy SiNgLe So GuYz U cOuL h0lLa bUt U g0t To AsK mE 1st..← →Thiis Riight here iis my Lil Siister Me N Her Have Gone Threw alot iin our liifes We Stuck Together Always..ii Any1 Got A problem Wiit Her Then U Got a problem wiit me n nora←

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Miracle BabyA baby boy was born weighing a little over a pound. His skin was wrinkled his belly was round, They said it was a miracle if he would survive, Here it is six weeks later and you are still alive. You came before your body was ready, I tried to keep carrying you, but you would not let me.You were anxious to see this place, I remember the first time I saw your tiny face. You were red all covered with tubes and IV lines, At that moment I started crying. Then I realized that you are my miracle boy, since the moment I found out I was Pregnant my heart has been full of joy.So on this day I want to say God has blessed me in every way, by bringing me such a wonderful child. Every time I see you I cant help but smile, because I know miracles are real. Words cant express the feelings I feel, about my little boy who I will always love, I want to thank the man up above, who sent you to me. I love you Lil Nehemiah and that's how it will forever be.

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