Redneck Whitetrash Hippy profile picture

Redneck Whitetrash Hippy

I gotta chocolate mule knockin at my back door

About Me

Ahh winter. I have mixed feelings about this season. We need a good winter for a good spring but I would rather it be warm and sunny and my dog is not too keen on the cold weather. Skiing is fun but I wish I could spend more time in my boat. I will patiently await the snow to melt where you will find me wet and happy. In the mean time I will try my best to enjoy this winter circus on the whites of mountain decline bending my knees in a zig zag motion towards the perfect turn and the inverted mobius.

My Interests

Anything to do with Kayaking. Fly fishing. I try to play guitar but still have problems with reading music. Telemark Skiing (knee bender) Travel, specificly travel and kayaking. Is there anything better than that? I don't think so. Oh yea! I guess I am kinda a scuba diver. It's been so long since I have actually done it that I forgot I knew how. Montana is not very condusive to Scuba. (Not that it can't be done.) I also own a kite for kiteboarding but holy shit have I had my ass handed to me on that thing. I will wait to claim that as a sport that I actually do but it is an interest. I have been known to drink a little beer but if you really want to see me reved up, Red Bull and Vodka is where it's at. I will definitly boogie on that shit. Work can be interesting at times but I could be a full time fuck off. When is someone going to pay me to travel and kayak? Good food, and when I say "good" I don't necessarily mean "healthy" it's all about taste. If it is tasty and healthy I am game but I have been blessed with a good metabolism and I don't plan on living forever. Taste comes first. I will eat "fire in your ass mexican" until the heart burn rages like your wife when you come home two days late from a bachelor party in Vegas with a hicky and no money. Top of Daisy Pass Me on the Sex Panther hangin out in the yurt

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet George W. so I can give him the stinky palm. Other than that, I will meet you when I meet you and you better be honest all the time and not offended easily or I will call you a bad name and hurt your feelings.


Hair Nation brother! Ska, punk, reggae, hippy music, just about any time. Easy listening-on my way to work.


Any kayaking videos. I have seen a lot of movies but kayaking videos cause the most emotion.


To go to sleep.


I need to do more reading. The Last book I read was the Davinci Code and am half way through Angels and Demons. I can't tell you what book is my all time favorite because usually the book I am reading at the time is my favorite. Crime and Punishment was intense.


My mother for her insight and love, my sister for her ambition, my brother for his brains and Rob Lee because he is the coolest person on the planet.