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About Me

Well, here's a couple of interesting things about me:
My name is Val...not short for anything...except for Ingvald, which was my Grandpa's name from Norway. I can tell you anything about the history of balloons and how they came into existence...or perhaps you would like to know about the finest bear traps in the land??? If that doesn't tickle your fancy then hit me up at the local lawn bowling parlor where I can graciously give you some pointers about the latest in fashion of lawn bowling shoes.
Ok but seriously now, I was born in upstate New York and since my Dad is in the military I really havn't been in a place longer than two years on average which is both a blessing and a curse. I had a stint in Japan for 2 years, graduated highschool in Guam, and lived just about every major place in California. So, there's a lot to know about me. In fact, I find it hard myself to remember and know it all and I lived it. Oh! and I just got accepted into the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for graduate studies so I'll be leaving for Jerusalem in a couple of months!!
Jeremiah 22: 15-16
...He did what was right and just, so all went well with him.
He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
and so all went well.
Is that not what it means to know me? declares the Lord."
Job 33: 23-26
"Yet if there is an angel on his side as a mediator, one out of a thousand, to tell a man what is right for him, to be gracious to him and say, 'Spare him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom for him'-- Then his flesh is renewed lika a child's; it is restored as in the days of his youth. He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state."

Get an Hebrew Scroller
I Eat Paste
Check out the Trailor for my Short that I did while in Hollywood! Driver's Ed. Trailer

My Interests

Things I love and have defined me over the years:

God, my Lord and Savior Jesus, the rest are things I've been blessed with or like and enjoy: drums, music, theatre/stage, acting, snowboarding!, horseback riding, love the Medieval era, chainmail everything, Natural Resistance Training, Natalie Portman, learning, adventure and traveling, ancient cultures/history, ancient weaponary, swordplay/fencing, Society for Creative Anachronism, studying the Bible!, pasta, stars and space, Norway, Ireland, Israel (my ancestrial belonging), I am fascinated with Jerusalem. I love chocolate, RPG and strategy games, I love love love my little nephews even when spending a week straight with them drives me mad, and.....the list goes on but gets incredibly stranger and stranger from here with things like wheelbarrows and the cotton gin, and fascination of seeing old time figures like Davy Crocket or Samuel Clemens sniffing a variety of different farm animals. Love Val and give him things!

I'd like to meet:

A few of the things that I am fascinated with:


Gardens by Castles

Castles in the fog

Castles in the snow

And Knights jousting by Castles

This is what it's all about!


Jimmy Eat World (love Clarity), The Juliana Theory, Billy Idol, Pearl Jam, U2, Coldplay, Modest Mouse, The Killers, The White Stripes, Green Day, Zepplin, Goo Goo Dolls, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, 3 Doors Down, Rascal Flatts, Nickleback, Audioslave, Credence Clear Water Revival, Jack Johnson, Train, Delerious?, Traditional Folk and Irish music, Enya, Enigma, Those epic and etherial songs that has a high girl voice or monks singing rock my world, DJ Irene, ATB, Paul Oakenfold, Oh and The Oakenfold remix of Delerium Featuring Sarah McLachlin's Silence is like the coolest song EVER!


Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, The 13th Warrior, The Never Ending Story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Crow, The Princess Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Garden State, Cabel Guy, Dumb and Dumber, Tombstone, Cold Mountain, Maverick, Newsies, Mary Poppins (it's more like this movie has haunted me over time), Trainspotting, The Big Labowski, Benny and Joon, Fight Club, Willow, Robin Hood Prince of Theives, All the Harry Potter Movies, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars (all of them, with the exception of the first one, that one was pretty lame), The Wizard of Oz, Fieval Goes West, Band of Brothers, and if you want a really cool documentary watch the Exodus Revealed.


Bring back Chivalry!


The Bible, Sagan's "the Deamon Hunted World", The Lord of the Rings", Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales", Lord of the Flies, Shakespear's complete works, Alice in Wonderland, A Clockwork Orange (European edition cause it has the last chapter that gives Alex some sort of redemption), and I just finished reading "A Match Made in Heaven" by Zev Chafets about the relationship between Christian Evangelicals and American Jews...check it out. And my newest book, "The Spirit of the Rainforest" about the Yanomamo Indian tribe and how God can transcend culture/traditions and the Truth about salvation through his Son is truth for all. Awesome book.


My Dad

Salute to our Chaplains working for God and Country. Love ya Dad.

My Blog

A Val Update

I haven't posted on this too much, but for those who are interested I will try to give you an update on my always insane adventures.I've been in Israel for almost 10 months. It's been a wild ride in a...
Posted by Val on Wed, 21 May 2008 03:13:00 PST

Love in the Cold

Love in the Cold   Ill find the life for you again; Twist the air for you to see The weather's nice when its chilly. When the lake freezes we can skate. Follow the trail left a year ago, Our foot...
Posted by Val on Fri, 12 May 2006 12:47:00 PST


Wounds I'm wounded in the nightSleep invaded, the pain burns bright.Bare my chest for the world to see my heart.Does it look like its beating or falling apart?Wounds, Wounds, battered and bruisedProte...
Posted by Val on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:23:00 PST

Better Life

Better Life  In the better life, you can't be blind; The only thoughts brought are made of sweets; You look through your eye but see with your mind; Like the sun is to heat, s...
Posted by Val on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:05:00 PST

Telll me how it is

Tell me how it is Tell me how it isWhen the Light fades away.What will be realWhen the Dark is here to stay? Is there any hope If there is nothing to see?What will be trueWhen what we know will not be...
Posted by Val on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 02:31:00 PST

Cross Fade

Cross Fade   Interpret the only action he can do And cross fade into phase two. Death exists when resigning is The only option left of his. Resentment comes from selfish needs, That only pertain...
Posted by Val on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 03:57:00 PST

Thought Upon Thought

Thought Upon Thought   Thought upon thought, an endless array Of circular questions that linger and stay. Moments in a realm that is all your own, Lost, opposed to reality in false beliefs Becomi...
Posted by Val on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:58:00 PST

Do you know me as good as you think you do or not at all

1. What is my favorite movie?2. What tatoo do i have and where?3. What branch of military is my Dad in?4. What two places out of the United States have I lived in?5. Where did i go to college and what...
Posted by Val on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST