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About Me

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The shit you hear about me might be true but then again, it could be as fake as the bitch who told you. I'm Victoria and a lot of people have said I'm krazy, psycho, bitch but hey it's just the way I am. I currently live in Donna, TX. I will be graduating from high school on June 1st. I'm soo excited!I was born in
Cool Flash Toys at REVOLUTIONMYSPACE.com , [H-ToWn] where we got dat purple drank ['713'] and raised in Lakeshore, Mississippi [dat '228'].I am about 5' 6" and weigh 105lbs. I have brown hair and honey color eyes. I absolutely LOVE PAUL WALL AND PITBULL. They are the sexiest guys. I have the best of friends. Brittany girl you've been there since we were little. Shit all those parades and getting drunk. I dunno what I would do without you. I love you soo much! Ashley shit I don't even know where to start with you. "E-Building?" Hahha. Martine, gurl, you need to get you ass away from Europe for a while and come visit. Steph, get rid of Santos you can do way better. Dude remember 6th grade?? LOL Good times, good times! Iris, get over Pitbull he's mine! LOL Paul Wall, Don Omar and Pitbull concert was awesome wasn't it? Who's got the hook up huh gurl? Cassie Girl just stay away from the guyz and keep ur legs closed!! LOL Or at least try to. Brenda if they don't answer the first time DON'T CALL AGAIN! I love ya gurl but u just don't listen. Lori I don't even know what to say bout ya...Ur krazy and I love ya to death but you gotta stay away from Danny. [Not my brother] Danny, ah my brother, I'm so glad you joined the Navy because you're actually gonna do something with yourself. Any bitch you bring back is gonna get sent back. If I don't like her shit, you already know what I'ma do. I'm not gonna have some bitch ass sis-n-law. Yes guys I do have a boyfriend. I don't want another one and I'm NOT breaking up with him!
His name is Mac. I've gotten so attached to you babe. I love how you put up with my shit and let me yell at you. I still care about ya you just stress me out sometimes. Everytime I heard that song "Don't Matter" by Akon it reminds me of what you always tell me. I dunno what I'd do without you. Just remember I love you lotz! The rest of my bois I don't even have to mention ya'll. You know if I'm talkin bout ya! Sam, Randy, Chris, Alex, Eddie, Darrin [PsYcHo]...♥YA! I'm pretty much a laid back person unless you piss me off or get on my bad side. Trust me I can be a real nice person or the biggest bitch! Oh, yea Don't message me if I didn't approve your request. It's because I don't fuckin want you as a friend. Don't request me over and over because I'm just gonna keep denying you. If you are one of my friends don't sit there and have lil bitch fits because you're not in my TOP FRIENDS. Who really gives a fuck? It's just MySpace nothing else.
MySpace Layouts

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Paul Wall again! I met him in Oct 2006. He's super sexy! I didn't get to meet him at the Island on March 12th but someone else did. Thankx for da pic!March 12, 2007 at Louie's Backyard Concert - South Padre Island, TX
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Your Celebrity Sisters Are Paris and Nicky
Wild, infamous, and stunningly gorgeous.
You cause a scene wherever you go Who Are Your Celebrity Sisters?
Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: *HoNeY*
Hair Color: *BrOwN*
Height: *5..' 6.."*
Favorite Color: *ReD*
Screen Name: *Victoria_Class_of_07*
Favorite Band: *BLuE OcToBeR*
Favorite Movie: *ScArFaCe & BLoW*
Favorite Show: *LaW & OrDeR*
Your Car: *LiNcOLn MaRk Lt*
Your Hometown: *HoUsToN, Tx*
Your Present Town: *DoNnA, Tx*
Your Crushes First Name: *MaC*
Your Grade: *SeNiOr*
Your Style: *AnYtHiNg ThAt..'S cOmFoRtAbLe*
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: *No*
Kissed someone in the rain?: *YeA*
Danced in a public place?: *I ThInK So*
Smiled for no reason?: *YeA*
Laughed so hard you cried?: *YeA*
Peed your pants after age 8?: *I HoPe NoT*
Written a song?: *No*
Sang to someone for no reason?: *No*
Performed on a stage?: *No*
Talked to someone you don't know?: *YeA*
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: *No*
Made out in a theatre?: *YeA*
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: *No*
Been in love?: *No*
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: *BrEnDa*
Tell you, I love you?: *MaC*
Kiss you?: *MaC*
Hug you?: *CaSsIe*
Tell you BYE?: *LoRi*
Write you a note?: *LoRi*
Take your photo?: *MaC*
Call your cell phone?: *DuNno*
Buy you something?: *CaSsIe*
Go with you to the movies?: *MaC*
Sing to you?: *MaC*
Write a poem about you?: *No OnE*
Text message you?: *MaC*
Touch you?: *My SiS hIt Me...LoL*
What's the last
Time you laughed?: *RiTe NoW*
Time you cried?: *In DeCeMbEr*
Movie you watched?: *ThE MaRiNe*
Joke you told?: *DuNnO*
Song you've sang?: *ThRoW sOmE D..'s*
Time you've looked at the clock?: *6:38*
Drink you've had?: *SpRiTe*
Number you've dialed?: *MaC..'s*
Book you've read?: *I DoN..'t ReAd*
Food you've eaten?: *PiZza*
Flavor of gum chewed?: *SpEaRmInt*
Shoes you've worn?: *ReD PuMpS*
Store you've been in?: *MaRcIaNo*
Thing you've said?: *FuCk YoU*
Can You
Write with both hands?: *No*
Whistle?: *LiL BiT*
Blow a bubble?: *YeA*
Roll your tounge in a circle?: *No*
Cross your eyes?: *No*
Touch your tounge to your nose?: *EwW...No*
Dance?: *DuNnO*
Gleek?: *EwW...No*
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: *YeA!*
Speak a different language?: *YeA*
Impersonate someone?: *ThE FaGgOtS @ ScHoOL*
Prank call people?: *YeA*
Make a card pyramid?: *No*
Cook anything?: *BaCoN*
Finish The Line
If i were a ...: *PaNdA...LoL*
I wish ...: *I cOuLd HaVe EvErYtHiNg I wAnT*
So many people don't know that ...: *I cOuLd CaRe LeSs WuT tHeY tHiNk*
I am ...: *StRaIgHt FoRwArD*
My heart is ...: *CoLd...LoL*
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My Blog

*:BoOty CaLL AgReEmEnT:*

THE BOOTY CALL AGREEMENT This Booty Call Agreement (here in after referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into on the ______ day of ___________, 2007, between Victoria and _____________.   THI...
Posted by .:V!¢†Ø®!Å:. on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:40:00 PST


PLEASE READ THIS  POST. IT'S SO  TRUE* 1. At least 2 people inĀ£ this world love you so much they would die for you.  2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The o...
Posted by .:V!¢†Ø®!Å:. on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:11:00 PST

*GuYs ArE fUcKiN aSsHoLeS*

Guyz are such assholes!  Somehow they always find a way to fuck everything up!  Fuckin bastards!...
Posted by .:V!¢†Ø®!Å:. on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:03:00 PST

ZFest Live~Paul Wall Concert---Oct. 28

Hey....as ya'll might now know  Paul Wall, Lil Keke, and all the Swishahouse will be down in the Valley!  Mercedes, TX---October 28th!  I've been dyin for this!  Literally goin kra...
Posted by .:V!¢†Ø®!Å:. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:19:00 PST