I'd like to meet Paul Wall again! I met him in Oct 2006. He's super sexy! I didn't get to meet him at the Island on March 12th but someone else did. Thankx for da pic!March 12, 2007 at Louie's Backyard Concert - South Padre Island, TX
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Your Celebrity Sisters Are Paris and Nicky
Wild, infamous, and stunningly gorgeous.
You cause a scene wherever you go
Who Are Your Celebrity Sisters?
Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: *HoNeY*
Hair Color: *BrOwN*
Height: *5..' 6.."*
Favorite Color: *ReD*
Screen Name: *Victoria_Class_of_07*
Favorite Band: *BLuE OcToBeR*
Favorite Movie: *ScArFaCe & BLoW*
Favorite Show: *LaW & OrDeR*
Your Car: *LiNcOLn MaRk Lt*
Your Hometown: *HoUsToN, Tx*
Your Present Town: *DoNnA, Tx*
Your Crushes First Name: *MaC*
Your Grade: *SeNiOr*
Your Style: *AnYtHiNg ThAt..'S cOmFoRtAbLe*
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: *No*
Kissed someone in the rain?: *YeA*
Danced in a public place?: *I ThInK So*
Smiled for no reason?: *YeA*
Laughed so hard you cried?: *YeA*
Peed your pants after age 8?: *I HoPe NoT*
Written a song?: *No*
Sang to someone for no reason?: *No*
Performed on a stage?: *No*
Talked to someone you don't know?: *YeA*
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: *No*
Made out in a theatre?: *YeA*
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: *No*
Been in love?: *No*
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: *BrEnDa*
Tell you, I love you?: *MaC*
Kiss you?: *MaC*
Hug you?: *CaSsIe*
Tell you BYE?: *LoRi*
Write you a note?: *LoRi*
Take your photo?: *MaC*
Call your cell phone?: *DuNno*
Buy you something?: *CaSsIe*
Go with you to the movies?: *MaC*
Sing to you?: *MaC*
Write a poem about you?: *No OnE*
Text message you?: *MaC*
Touch you?: *My SiS hIt Me...LoL*
What's the last
Time you laughed?: *RiTe NoW*
Time you cried?: *In DeCeMbEr*
Movie you watched?: *ThE MaRiNe*
Joke you told?: *DuNnO*
Song you've sang?: *ThRoW sOmE D..'s*
Time you've looked at the clock?: *6:38*
Drink you've had?: *SpRiTe*
Number you've dialed?: *MaC..'s*
Book you've read?: *I DoN..'t ReAd*
Food you've eaten?: *PiZza*
Flavor of gum chewed?: *SpEaRmInt*
Shoes you've worn?: *ReD PuMpS*
Store you've been in?: *MaRcIaNo*
Thing you've said?: *FuCk YoU*
Can You
Write with both hands?: *No*
Whistle?: *LiL BiT*
Blow a bubble?: *YeA*
Roll your tounge in a circle?: *No*
Cross your eyes?: *No*
Touch your tounge to your nose?: *EwW...No*
Dance?: *DuNnO*
Gleek?: *EwW...No*
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: *YeA!*
Speak a different language?: *YeA*
Impersonate someone?: *ThE FaGgOtS @ ScHoOL*
Prank call people?: *YeA*
Make a card pyramid?: *No*
Cook anything?: *BaCoN*
Finish The Line
If i were a ...: *PaNdA...LoL*
I wish ...: *I cOuLd HaVe EvErYtHiNg I wAnT*
So many people don't know that ...: *I cOuLd CaRe LeSs WuT tHeY tHiNk*
I am ...: *StRaIgHt FoRwArD*
My heart is ...: *CoLd...LoL*
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