I am going though a transitional phase of my life right now. I am beginning to enjoy a little more cultural flavor, I guess you could say... Art museums, Jazz concerts and such. Not as far as going to Starbucks every night and talking politics with the Artsy folk, but I am trying all I can to break my daily grind of work, school, sleep... wash, rinse and repeat.
Edgar Allen Poe & Miles Davis
Music is important to me. I can listen to just about anything but country. When it comes down to it, my roots are planted firmly into Metal and Rock (Metallica, anyone?), but I have a new obsession of Jazz. I can't get enough of it. Jazz musicians are some of the most talented I've ever seen of heard. Other than that, being originally from Chicago, I love House and more northern Hip-Hop (Jay-Z, Kanye West, Common). I probably have one of the broadest tastes in music out there. I listen to everything from Killlswitch Engage, Mudvayne and System Of A Down, to Ani DiFranco, Cafe Del Mar and Portishead. I've been a musician for as long as I can remember. I've been playing the guitar for 13 years now, but I also know my way around Bass, Drums, Piano, Clarinet, and Violin.
I'm a movie buff, through and though. Anyone who knows me personally and has seen my collection can vouch for that one. I can watch just about anything at least once, but some of my favs are: 300 (Fuckin Amazing), Tarentino flicks (Pulp Fiction), Kevin Smith movies (Chasing Amy, Dogma), Happy Gilmore productions (Billy Madison), Star Wars films, Pixar stuff, Face Off, Van Wilder, Jerry Maguire, High Fidelity, Basketball Diaries, Blow, Fight Club, Devils Advocate, Seven, 12 Monkeys... basically anything that can make me laugh, of totally fuck with my head.
There are only 2 things on TV that are worth a shit... Nascar and Family Guy.
I don't have too much time to spend on recreational reading, but in the past I have enjoyed the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, and sadly enough, the Harry Potter series ;)
My dad is my biggest hero. He is the person who has inspired me the most and has pushed me to be the best at whatever I do. My family are the people who inspire me to do my best. And also Nanette, who has changed me for the better in more ways that she knows.