I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment profile picture

I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment

What a bitch a roonie doonie!!

About Me

.. Aries Sun sign individuals are impossible to ignore. Is it their bright, energetic disposition or their loud laughter? Or maybe it's their forthrightness that grabs our attention – Aries certainly is not one to back down from a challenge. A motivated Aries is a good Aries, but an unruly Ram is a rebel without a cause.
I am a fun, easy going, laid back kind of girl who likes to get a little crazy on occasion. I have a great sense of humor and LOVE to laugh. My whole life is one big freaking crack up!! People are always laughing at me...I'm not sure if that's a good thing!! ahahaa I just love to laugh at other people and myself.
Graphics & Layouts I'm brutally honest and tell it like it is, which gets me into trouble sometimes...I have opinions, can't I express them?? I'm a firm believer in being yourself and not being fake. This is me, if you don't like it, don't be friends with me.
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts

I'm sick and tired of the games girls and guys play with each other. If two people like each other, why can't it just be as simple as that?
Graphics & Layouts
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts Let's see, what else about me...I give 110% in my relationships and am very devoted to the one I'm with. I don't really know what else to say, it's so hard to talk about yourself, well not really!! ahahhha Anyway, alot of people would describe me as a bitch, and I would also classify myself as that, but to know me is to love me, or so my friends say. I just know what I want and speak my mind. Isn't honesty the best policy? I don't take shit from anyone and can definitely be intimidating, which isn't a good thing because people are usually scared to approach me.
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts
The most important things in my life are my friends and my sister. I need my girls and my nights out with my girls. My girls are my life and I would never let them go for anyone or anything. They keep me sane and tell me to shut the fuck up when I'm being a bitch from hell. But they've always got my back, no matter what. And for any of them, I'd take a bullet, help them move a dead body, or hide evidence. I truly believe there are three things in life every girl needs...Love to make her weak, Alcohol to make her strong, and Her Girls when both of those things make her hit the floor.
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
Graphics & Layouts

MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts Let's see...I have a mouth like a truck driver
and can drink my fair share of liquor without getting obnoxious and sloppy, and my mind is rarely OUT of the gutter. This is probably why I'm perfectly content to hang with a bunch of guys as easily as my girls. Of course, this hasn't always been a good thing since alot of guys think of me as "one of the guys" rather than girlfriend material. OOPS!!! That was my dad's fault in how he raised me I guess. That being said, I am still a girl and like girlie things, shoes in particular!! ahahhaaa And I can't fix much of anything to save my god damned life. And I do have a soft side that people can get out of me if they try and deserve to see it!! hee heee Oh, and I'm loud...so bring earplugs!!
Myspace Codes

My Interests

MySpace Comments
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts I'm very spontaneous. It also depends on the season...during the summer I'm at Tahoe EVERY weekend chilling with a cocktail on the beach. I like to just hang out with friends or significant other not worrying about what we're doing or where we're going next. I love going to L.A. to spend time with my sister since she lives there, or going back to The Lou (St. Louis...for those of you who don't know, now ya' know) to visit family and go to Cardinals games. I LOVE my hometown more than anything and go back every chance I get...there's nothing like the Midwest! I like going to bars, any bars really- .. sometimes the best ones are the small ones no one knows about where you and your friends can let loose and have fun, but I also like staying at home, cooking and just chilling.
Graphics & Layouts I LOVE going on cruises and traveling anywhere that isn't home. And like I said above, I love going to baseball games; there's nothing better than a live baseball game...well, except sex!! But I digress...
Myspace Graphics by HitupMyspace.com ..

Graphics provided by MySpaceAnimations.com

Hosted by HitupMyspace.com
Graphics & Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Well I've been looking for myself my whole life, but since I haven't found the "male" version of me... I'm looking for a "man's man"...a guy that drinks beer and plays/watches sports and isn't afraid to take charge. .. I'm a strong, independent woman, so I need a man that isn't scared and can put me in my place!! ahahhaaaa
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
I want someone who is stable-has a job, their own car, and doesn't live with mommy and daddy. I don't care what kind of car you drive,or how much money you make as long as you're able to stand on your own two feet. And honesty and a sense of humor are a MUST! I would also like to meet a guy that calls when he says he's going to:-) and would,for once,like to meet someone that likes me when I like them. I always fall for the guys that don't like me,and the ones I can't stand,won't leave me alone! If you like me, just let me know, don't play around with me or my feelings. Other than that, I'm fairly simple. I'm easy to get along with as long as I don't feel that I'm being played.
Let's see...tattoos and piercings...LOVE 'EM!! (Even have a few of each myself) Love me some dirty hot tatted up boys!!
Graphics & Layouts I just basically want someone who can feel free to be himself around me and have fun with life...don't take yourself so seriously for the love of tree trunks!! I can tell you who I also don't want to meet...if you are here to screw around with women and play games, then don't even THINK about contacting me. You won't like the side of me you'll see.

I want a guy to only have eyes for me and treat me very well,but don't smother me. I need my girl time...so have guys night out and let me do my own thing as well from time to time. But a guy that can hang with me and my girls by himself or with his buddies, is golden!! Ok, I have to agree with my sister on this one...all of you that are sending me "friend requests" and I have no fucking idea who you are and we've never talked...knock it the fuck off. I will deny every single one of them because it's annoying as hell!! I also don't want to meet some pervert who's only interested in the size of my chest. There's more to me than tits believe it or not!!

My Blog

My Space Losers

10 important facts about My Space... ONEthere is NO SUCH THING as a myspace tracker. it does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like  "OH-MY-GOD this WORKS!!!" no, it doesnt.TWOTo the pe...
Posted by I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 04:52:00 PST

Friend Requests

Ok, I have to agree with my sister on this one...all of you that are sending me "friend requests" and I have no fucking idea who you are and we've never talked...knock it the fuck off.  I will de...
Posted by I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST


It's not easy being a perfect bitch, and it's not pretty being easy, but here I am in all my gloriousness (is that how you spell that??).    Life's too short, have fun and laugh!!...
Posted by I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:58:00 PST

Let's see what happens

Ok, so here I am on yet ANOTHER website meeting people.  Bare with me people, this site is a little different than the others I've done and I'm still getting used to it.  But all of you out ...
Posted by I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 02:36:00 PST