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Sd ♥

i'm in love with your potential, baby. i'm in love with what you'll never be. & it sucks.

About Me

my name is summertiiime. i am a Christian -- so that pretty muchh makes me really awesome. God is absolutely amazing. those words ((absolutely amazing)) definitely don't do Him justice, because He's way moree awesome than that. but that's all my brain could thinkk of to describe will never find me tryingg to be someone else. everr. i'm me, and that's it. no more, no less. if you likee me, you like me. if you don't, youu don't. trust me ;; it won't hurt my feelings. i am superr random. and i love it. i lovee randomness. and i love art. and i lovee photography. and i love make-up. i wanna be a famous make-up artist for MAC one dayy. that is myy dream. so -- hopefully that will happen for me. and i certainly thinkk it will.i lovee laughing. and smiling. smiling's my favoritee. if you can make me laugh, you've won me over. and i'll be your friendd forever. it's one of the best feelings i thinkk anyone could ever feel. it's wonderfull :) -- and it's better to be known for your laughterr, than to be known for a lot of other things. i would definitely rather be perceived as the girll who smiled, than the girl who brokee down about anything and everythingg.i am addicted to chapstick. i am also totally addicted to music. it's my therapy. it's my lifee. no matter how my day is goingg or how it has been ;; music always, always puts me in a better mood. any kindd, except country. i lovee it. and if i'm in the mood to dancee -- watchh out. because i'll get super crazy. haha. i also lovee quotes. i promise you ... if you gave me a couple of hours, i could find youu quotes that explain my lifee exactly how it's happened so far. ♥i cannot tolerate racism or liars. it's so unnecessary. in my opinion, if you are racist against anyonee -- you're a coward and don't wanna face reality in today's timee. when it comes to lying ;; if i ask you something, don't lie to me about it. obviouslyy, i wanna know the truthh. we all deserve a chance in life, and we all definitely deserve respectt.maybe, hopefully one day i will get married. i wanna havee kids. not too many, but a couple of brats. haha. i am so excitedd to fall in love and share the rest of my life withh my man. don't get the wrong idea, thoughh -- i'm not rushing anything. i'm still young. and i have a lot to learnn. so whatever God has in store for me, i'm readyy. ♥i'm a lover, not a fighter ;; but i'll fight for what i lovee. lifee is too short to wake up with regrets ;; so love the people who treat you right. forget about the one's who don't. believee everything happens for a reason. if you get a second chancee -- grab it withh both hands. if it changes your lifee, let it. nobody said lifee would be easy, they just promised it would be worthh it.

My Interests

God. love. photography. art. music. the beach. friends. bowling. dancing. road trips. music.

I'd like to meet:

lovee (n) --1. a profoundly tenderr, passionate affection for another personn. 2. sexual passion or desiree. 3. a person toward whom lovee is felt ;; sweetheart. 4. affectionate concernn for the well-being of anotherr. 5. to havee a strong liking for.♥ ♥ ♥


motion city soundtrack. asteria. boys like girls. something corporate. underoath. my chemical romance. fall out boy. silverstein. jeremy camp. yellowcard. lynard skynard. michael jackson. dashboard confessional. jack johnson. taking back sunday. paramore. senses fail.


stay. anne of green gables. crash. rendition. tombstone. blow. 1408. saw I, II, and III. now and then. the notebook. remember the titans. a walk to remember. mona lisa smile. secret window. the jacket. domino. wedding crashers. elf. because i said so.


grey's anatomy. gilmore girls. so you think you can dance. csi. greek. america's next top model. miami/la ink. tila tequila.


The Bible. any book by Sarah Dessen. the outsiders. to kill a mockingbird. the purpose driven life.


Jesus & my momma. ♥

My Blog

quotes ;; ♥

she doesn't care if you call her and wake her up in the middle of the night. she hates arguing, but you know she's good at it. she's terrified of the dark ;; but when she thinks of you, she smile...
Posted by Sd ♥ on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:03:00 PST

lovee -- ?

when a girll is quiet, millions of things are running throughh her mind. when a girl is not arguing, she is thinkking deeply. whenn a girl looks at you with eyes full of questionss, she is wondering ...
Posted by Sd ♥ on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:57:00 PST

God is truly amazing.

if you don't have God in your heart, then i pray for you. i really do. i don't want anyone to have to live in Hell for eternity. i hope & pray every night that i will be able to speak to someone ...
Posted by Sd ♥ on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 02:58:00 PST

i've been thinking...

okay ;; so i've been thinking a lot lately about so much stuff. i haven't been able to sleep at all because my mind just won't stop. it won't shut up for just 5 minutes. & i know i shouldn't care ...
Posted by Sd ♥ on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:47:00 PST

guys are interesting.

50 Things You Should Know About Guys   1. guys hate sluts.2. "hey, are you busy?" or "what are you doing?" -two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.3. guys may be fl...
Posted by Sd ♥ on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:41:00 PST