S.A.S profile picture



About Me

**~Couldn't live without the best poeple in the world~**
href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"
Sexy Feelia
Couldnt live without her & our daily phone calls. known her 9 years now, always there for me,if i want the truth, i know she will tell me. Had some crazy times together.lol :)xx
Clod & Chochi! x
Most weekends evenings I will be with these two & thats how i like it:)The Platinums ;)
Clod++Sas+American's tour= happy girls:)We have our little missions, which are always class and unplanned nights.
Chochi- our little days like with Norman heehee and her massage shizzle lmaoo love it:) x

Elle stunner x
She is my baby, she's just as crazy as me, so when we're together we are mad. She always got my back and is amazing.Our sexci nights out;)x
The shizzle College wouldnt be the same without them. Also we have a rave;)
Jess & Katie like to hug my legs so tight so i fall on the stage. Jess my Flettoxx.
Katie, funny, she chats shizzle, but love her.
Em i spend film and media with and she is the shizzle. Grinding like a hoebag is always fun too;) lol.xxx
Annie x
She is my sexci, i love our shizzles, couldnt live without this one. She laughs at my craziness & i laugh at hers, so its all gd. We are always gigling about something
Although don't see them as much cos dey back in cardiff high, i still love them & when i see them we have a rave.
Lweed member our football day. lol legendary;)
Rachy dance, we gotta go back!! Alway looks lush:)x
Sickle- hehe strippers club audition.. blantently we have what it takes!! x

My Interests

src="http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i171/Sazzey100/S40230 28-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"

I love my random trips:
- West Ham
- Westend cinema
- London
- Subway
- Sainsburyss
- Life
- "Almost" Ikea.. need directions
- Bath
- Pizza in Birchgrove
... i love the stories behind each 1:)

I love abit of Bratzzz movie
Some of my classic quotes:
- "Dat was wicked man, wicked!"
- "Whoz that get off the train I don't even know her namee"

London born an breed

I love my Nachos, diet coke with no ice, sour cream makes cheesy bites pizza perfect, white chocolate mice aswel as doughnuts from Krispy Kremes in Harrods:) GOOD TIMES!

My life so far is in this book

Sazzey Wazzey and Betto Spagetto


I like just about anything!! *R&b/hiphop to dance to
*Rock for bishboshin lol
*Indies chill to
*Dance- for a short amount of time

"Its only a drink, its not gonna solve your problems" (lmaooo Sam)


Save the last dance 1 and 2. (Both amazing)
G.I Jane.
Poetic Justice.


*The OC*
*One tree hill (~Nathan~)*
*Gilmore Girls*