About Me
Let's make a list:
I'm Ukrainian-Polish (NOT RUSSIAN)and proud of it.
I'm Catholic.
I am totally obsessed with the 1980's.
I should have been the age I am now in 1986.
I drive an old Volvo.
I am a college student.
I still buy Cassettes.
I love China, one of my favorite places.
Starbucks should be a deity.
Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Ukrainian, Italian, Polish, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean foods are the best.
Etc.Things that annoy me;
pEoPLe wHOo tYPe lIEk tHIs!,
Bad Drivers,
When people think I'm Russian or speak Russian,
"Like Omigod!" Girls,
"Whoah, dude..." Guys,
Narrow-minded people.
MySpace Layouts
My Blog
Okay, here's a logical question; why do people wear stupid clothes. (No, not the annoying Christmas sweaters that middle-aged women wear during the Holidays) I mean REALLY STUPID clothes. Like men in ...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:59:00 GMT
Westoboro Baptist Church = Ship of Fools
The Westoboro Baptist Church, aka the most hated group of people in the U.S. (and around the world) in reality needs to be deported. Parading around with signs reading GOD HATES FAGS! GOD HATES AMERIC...
Posted by on Sat, 31 May 2008 08:26:00 GMT
Working Moments
So in the past two years of working at my present occupation, I have had some very interesting experiences with customers. I now know (or more or less confirmed what I've known for years) that there a...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 19:26:00 GMT
Class Notes
My Business Principles class is abhorently boring. My professor just drones on and on and on about virtually nothing. Then, he cracks jokes that no one thinks are funny and laughs at them. S...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 16:27:00 GMT
Coconut Conditioner and Stupid People
To make one point exstensively clear, I detest stupid people. And, unfortunately for me, there are far too many of them in existence for my peace of mind. Here’s my latest example: I now have lo...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:12:00 GMT
Stupid Happy Dumbass
These new pop songs on the radio these days are incessantly irritating. Not only that, they're overrated, overplayed, stereotypical, commonplace, generic, and just plain stupid. It always amazes me ho...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 20:42:00 GMT
"Made in China"
I for one am sick and tired of hearing people moan and complain about "Made in China." The other day, some woman came into my store and returned the candy she just purchased because it had the label "...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:27:00 GMT
Bumper Stickers and Intelligence
I finally realized something today; you can really judge someone's intelligence by their bumper stickers. Why I didn't realize this before I don't know, but the fact remains that there really are alot...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 21:26:00 GMT
Who needs it?
Why is it that you long for something you never had only to find out that you never needed it? And that by attempting to get it, you only complicate matters? Oh, you may say that the "close circl...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 21:18:00 GMT
Bigoted Rednecks are very aggravating..
You heard me right, BIGOTED REDNECKS ARE VERY AGGRAVATING. They make people from other parts of the country (I'm a Westerner of Ukrainian descent) think that all Souther...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 17:14:00 GMT