Create Your Own!If I had a place I could go where I knew I could live in absolute truth, I would visit, but not live there. I guess I'm not meant to find truth but to live life, after discovering what truth is. Honest introspection cannot be achieved without a desire to dwell on the fact of human immortality. We must have a foundation from which to peer out into the beyond. If I didn't have a solid standing to look from, I would not have perspective to know what I was viewing. Dawn and I have found this in the person of Christ. This is our definition of life at its greatest, with love and sacrifice defined, humanity given a second chance at freedom from ourselves.
Al Qaeda Also Fed Up With Ground Zero Construction DelaysHonestly, I'd just like more time to be able to spend with the people I know and love already! - Dawn
By far our favorite band is U2 - followed closely by Weird AL Yankovic. He's actually my lyrical hero. When we are on Road trips we end up listening to They Might be Giants, some books on tape or something that makes us laugh. I try to do the Christian Radio thing but I get so bored after an hour because it all sounds the same. That is not to say that some Christian Artists have not blown my mind. Rich Mullins, Steve Taylor, Choir, Sara Groves - all amazing to me. Back in the Day Keith Green was the first influential artist - what a prophet, with such connection, in his 20's.
Dawn does the country thing- at times, Steve is trying to break that horrible habit.Night and Day
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I'm a guy that loves the classics but doesn't read as many as I would like. I end up reading 4-5 books at the same time. Usually a self-help book of some kind, a theology work and then some fiction. I do like interesting biographical stuff. As far as fiction goes, I like things that pull me in, you've got 10 pages to get me to think, after that, I will readily close the book.
Too many to list... Heroes are people who are first inspired by something real. What bothers me about humanity is the veneration of those who only dream without action. Like people who throw stones but have no better solution for a problem. I consider a hero someone who takes time to look into something and catch their own inspiration rather than ride a tide of prevailing thought. The most influential hero of mine is Martin Luther - thinker, a little crazy, yes, but lived to provide praxis to everyone. He lived to give people a chance and pull power from the powerful. His inspiration changed history for the world. It is not enough to laugh, think or walk a road when the rest of the world has already started to do the same. It is true inspiration to have your life changed out of nothing but pure passion and discovery.