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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love pork products, Kelly Clarkson, Black Sabbath, Nike Shox and Cardigan Sweaters. If you have a problem with that, I'll eat your fucking soul.

My Interests


Lamb of God, Down, Pantera, Metallica, Chimaira, Throwdown, Life of Agony, Fireball Ministry, Sick of it All, Mastodon, The Beatles, Crowbar, Pelican, COC, Black Label Society, Van Morrison, Slayer, Madball, Devildriver, Dio, Superjoint Ritual, Prong, Agnostic Front, Byzantine, Alison Krauss, GWAR, Clutch, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Cat Stevens, Yes, The Guess Who, Gojira Neil Young, Neil Diamond, CSNY, Simon and Garfunkel, A Life Once Lost, Opeth, Crisis, All That Remains


Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars, The Waterboy, What Dreams May Come, Stand By Me, The Amityville Horror, Sin City, Swingers, The Princess Bride, School of Rock, Fight Club, Evil Dead I, II, Army of Darkness, High Fidelity, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, The Big Lebowski, Wedding Crashers, Happy Gilmore, Night of the Living Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Biker Zombies from Detroit, Jaws, Baseketball, Team America: World Police, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Some Kind of Monster, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, House of 1000 Corpses, Mystery Alaska, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Meaning of Life, The Life of Brian, Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, The Children of the Corn, Enter the Dragon, Marked for Death, Busty Cops. Oh, and anything starring Lance Henriksen, Rutger Hauer, Steven Seagal and Don "The Dragon" Wilson


Dog The Bounty Hunter, Everyday Italian, King of The Hill, Family Guy,Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Metalocalypse, House


Slaughterhouse Five, Breakfast of Champions, Player Piano, Mother Night, Cat's Cradle, The Sirens of Titan, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Gulliver's Travels, The Hidden Life fo Dogs, Walden, The Silmarillion, Kitchen Confidential, The Great American Novel, Catch-22, The Sociological Imagination, Cash, The Plot Against America


Bill Brasky. Thomas Keller. Ted Broghan. Roberto Donna. William Murderface. Ferran Adria.

My Blog

Oh, great. So this is what'll kill me...

Barbecue meats linked with prostate cancer April 2, 2006 08:36:53 PM PST A compound formed when meat is charred at high temperatures -- as in barbecue -- encourages the growth of prostate cancer in ra...
Posted by Vocci on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:53:00 PST

Need to know info.

Mr. T speaks only when necessary. His main form of communication is folding his arms and slowly shaking his head. And regardless of the situation, he is always understood.Mr. T invented fools. After r...
Posted by Vocci on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 10:54:00 PST

Knowing this could save your life

Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now just, the Islands. Pee Wee Herman got arrested for masturbating in public. The same day, Chuck Norris got an award for masturbating in public...
Posted by Vocci on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 07:48:00 PST