selva elettrica profile picture

selva elettrica

selvaelettrica.com_laughing netlabel

About Me

It's been a while since Selva Elettrica is on line. This is a Rome based net label promoting and distributing open music on the web. The project was born in 2005, from the connection of some indipendent italian and european bands. The central debate of those bands was the diffusion, preservation and promotion of the italian music underground scene, expecially the Rome one, where they mainly came from. To fi nd a simple and fast way to distribute themselves without the control of a major label seemed to be impossible, when inspired by the web and by the "opensource" movement, Selvaelettrica came into light. A brand new source of talented people producing works in free download and communicating to the world their own will to make good music.
Selva Elettrica (electronic groundcover) is a net label born from our desire to diffuse ,trough the net, a lifestyle and a way of conceiving art and music that is vanishing
Artists who are involved with are indipendent. They dont care about money; in the selva elettrica (electronic groundcover) the artist is pure and cant be corrupted, he doesnt produce anything but he lets his emotions flow out, collaborates and see finally his art as a result of an act of freeing his personality. Selva elettrica believes strongly in the sharing of music, the selva is a stream of informations and has meaning if it interacts with the net; we believe and support files sharing.
The groundcover is a free ambient, an audio factory where musicians can meet and enjoy their experiences in this fluid way without any compromise.Selva elettrica believes strongly in the sharing of music, the selva is a stream of informations and has meaning if it interacts with the net; we believe and support files sharing.
The selva is an always open factory: co operates with associations; promotes events and tries to create situations, and to get new solutions for distributing and advancing its music. The wish and the aim of those taking part at this project is that their vision and management of music and art could be the future, making culture and knowledge free from the market and corporations, because...
Pubblichiamo i dischi che ci piacciono.
Selva elettrica è la net label nata dallesigenza di ridistribuire e diffondere nelletere uno stile di vita e un modo di concepire la musica e larte in via destinzione
Gli artisti che vi fanno parte non sono vincolati dalle logiche del mercato, non mirano al guadagno o alla fama come termini ultimi di una luminosa carriera; nella selva elettrica lartista è puro e incorruttibile_non produce, ma si libera delle proprie emozioni, coopera, distribuisce larte come concetto ed emancipazione della propia indole.
La selva è un ambiente libero, una audio factory dove musicisti si incontrano e vivono le loro esperienze in un modo fluido e senza compromessi.
Selva elettrica crede fortemente nella condivisione della musica. la selva è un torrente di informazioni, e come tale si compie quando il suo flusso può interagire con il resto della rete; crediamo ed sosteniamo la condivisione di file tramite i motori di sharing.
la selva è unofficina sempre aperta: coopera con enti ed associazioni, organizza eventi, crea situazioni, studia soluzioni nuove ed innovative per distribuire e promuovere la propria musica.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Influences: electro, post punk, post rock, alternative, anal, bukkake
Sounds Like: no one
Record Label: selva elettrica_laughing netlabel
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Posted by selva elettrica on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:49:00 PST