IF MEAT IS MURDER AND DAIRY IS RAPE, THEN I'M IN SOME SERIOUS FUCKIN' TROUBLE. Can I Anne Frank it at yours til the heat's off? I am one part of the staff of the fanzine known as Analog Apocalypse. And guess what? That shit is loose on the streets, so keep your fuckin' eyes peeled and buy a copy because frankly, we need the money. And the attention.
Apart from that, I like a lot of stuff but then again, I hate more stuff. I'm subversive, neurotic, and very, very easily bored. I have a bit of a quick temper but I don't take it out on people, more inanimate objects. I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, which tends to get you called "FAG" a bit but I can live with your horrible aspersions on my sexuality. Which by the way, is hetero. Just so we're all on the same page here ... ahem. I listen to Annihilation Time while I do the dishes. I drink beer in the shower.
One of my hobbies is taking photos of bands. I know I'm shite at it, but I enjoy it. So there. Have a look in my photo thing if you think you might give a fuck. There's a cornucopia of bands coming this year, so I'll be sure to snap off lots and put the best up.
And the rest you can fucking well find out for yourself ... you cat loving homo.
I LIKE PICTURES. I made this one WITH A CAM-E-RA. In German, the word is "Kamera". Plural is: "Kameras". Easy no?