About Me
Ashley likes: The best feeling in the world is when you peer in aydens cot first thing in the morning and he is there smiling the biggest smile for you!, When Ian receives funny letters from someone who thinks she is upsetting us but it actually amuses the hell out of me, chicken super noodles, Brighton, bags, vomitting, the sea, the sound of a crackling fire, epidurals, the butterfly feeling you get when you kiss someone for the first time, reminising, vick's vapour rub, MULLETS!, drives in Ian's car, EBAY!, dancing like a retard, stars!!!, When Ian actually takes a day off from work, holding hands, buying people random presents, Aydens laugh, the guy who works in ollies - may that shop r.i.p, piercings, when theres tea in the pot, surprise visitors, falling asleep with the tv on, sexxxxxy hair, shameless, The way people stare at me and Ian when we have Ayden with us - it amuses me, my bed, white knickers, ginger danny (i miss him), salon gossip, Philadelphia bagels mmmmmm, the powerpuff girls, falling asleep in someones arms, that feel good feeling when u hear a song you love, bitch fights - that means watchinh them when other people fight - its funny - this DOESNT mean that I bitch fight for those retards who thought thats what it meant!!!!! , rubbing my feet on my comfort blanket, pearls, when someone makes your heart beat really fast, when rachel dances with no top on!, writting notes to myself on bits of paper so i dont forget things! trying to learn to drive, waking up WITHOUT a hangover, pumps, getting goosebumps when someone strokes your skin, Ian my loverly boyfriend :0) ketchup on toast, boys who wear hats with their hoods up, the smell of your skin when you come out of the shower, long car journeys, eye flirting, sometimes i like to do absolutely nothing, cleaning random peoples kitchens, hair straightners, kebab vans!!!! (rachel baby, i want your babies), discovering a joke on your ice cream stick, hoovering haha i do love it, white beads, the smell ian leaves on my pillow, frogs!!, rachels hardcore dancing, sex with socks on, pink shoes, laying there listening to someones heartbeat, the summer, lip gloss, sneezing, LONDON, lying in the bath when the waters still running, comfortable silence, the old man who is always in wetherspoons, being asked for i.d, boys that smell nice mmmm, tattoooooooos - they turn me on, getting tips, snuggling, melted cheese, surprises, getting texts in the middle of the night, sleeeeeep zzzzzzzAshley hates: People reading my profile to pass on information to someone when they dont even know me and get things TOTALLY wrong! LOSERS!, i hate the way people say they will be there for me and keep in touch and they dont, the Sea gulls, NVQ work - im training to be a hair dresser why do i have to write so much?, E.T, looking at an empty tip box, opening the fridge to find its empty, drugs, the rain, sleeping in the dark alone, the smell of my flesh tunnels, SINA!!!!, dry skin, those charity people in the high street that make u feel so bad when u have no money to give them, rejection, adverts, missed calls from no numbers/withheld numbers, rachel will agree with this one...when we hear the words 'are you free?' at work, petty arguements, anal porn, thinking of things to do, abuse, getting up for work, itchy eyes, moody boys, the feeling you get when you have eaten too much! people who squeeze from the middle, when Ayden does his poo grunt and i know whats coming, waking up early hours of the morning thirsty, waiting for people to text back, Taking Ayden round Tesco - he hates it! people who bitch behind my back as they are too scared to do it to my face, sleeping with socks on, boredom, torture and voilence, running out of money, when you try to open a dustbin liner from the wrong end, squabbling siblings, pets and animals in general especially dogs!, being in the bathroom late at night, onion breath, ignorance, getting pins and needles, drying up, missing the bus, that cuppa soup advert, when your boyfriend goes on holiday for two weeks :0( feeling cold, sleazey guys, having a blocked nose, liars and cheats, charlene serving my food, feeling alone, hangovers, pigeons, getting embarrassed, bad hair days, running out of toilet paper, getting no texts, washing my hair, delayed trains, coming to the end of a good book, when people wont tell you something, falling out with people, toni and guy t-shirts, Ians rotten farts and the stench he leaves behind in the bathroom that lingers all fricking day, feeling fat, being tickled, body hair, gremlins, crying when im drunk, jealousy, love, when theres no hot water, frustration when u cant do something.