rock climbing, cooking, swimming, shopping, photography, reading and writing and everything Israel. I'm adventurous and always looking for new hobbies.
old friends, new friends, Birthright Israel alumni, climbing partners, etc.
Yes, I admit it, I do like pop music. I also like alternative, classic rock, hip-hop, a little bit of punk and a very slim amount of country. I love world music; Bhangra, latin, but especially Israeli music (are you starting to see a theme here?).
Any sappy, girly romantic comedy. I also like historical fiction and some sci-fi, but I hate scarey movies.
*Favorites: Friends, Spin City, The Daily Show. *Shows that are worse than Chinese Water Torture: Sex and the City, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (actually anything on the WB), and Fox News.
It's really hard to pick, but my favorite all time book is The Great Gatsby. Recently I just finished The Kite Runner, The Hope and The Glory, Where God was Born, Anna Karenina and Bowling Alone. I admit that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. It was one of the only books that I could find in English when I was living in Israel and it has become something akin to a comfort food for me.
This section could get way to cheesy, but here goes...All the women in my family, especially my mother, sister and grandmother; Rabbi Joseph Black in Albuquerque; My good friend Saraswati Khalsa in Espanola; the incomparable Lindsay Litowitz and all our amazingly talented performers on the Israelity Tour (Subliminal and TACT, all my boys with Coolooloosh, Michelle Citrin and Mo Mandel)