Stu!! profile picture


Danm Girl, You are Chocolate for the eyes!

About Me

Well, let's see ... I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm an aspiring writer/film maker, currently studying Professional Writing and Film at University. I have a twin brother and am obsessed with horror films and creatures, especially creatures with loads of razor sharp teeth!!! I'm quite easy going, don't take too much things seriously, I like helping others and 'think' I'm fun to be around. I'm also not your typical guy; I don't really like sport (kinda boring) and don't know anything about cars (really, I can't even change a car tyre). I like comics, collect horror figurines and play Warcraft 3 all the time. I value God (I'm a Christian), life, family and friends, I don’t know where I’d be without my awesome friends, they make my life worthwhile. I am open minded and try to understand people rather than judge them. I'm a loyal friend; I'm caring, considerate and compassionate. I’m also easily hurt and try my hardest to make everyone happy, even if it means not being happy myself. Ohh by the way, I'm also a HUGE fan of James Gunn, if you haven't noticed!

Mission Impossible and Captain Planet! Staring Meg, Jessii, me (Yeah ... I'm in it) and Dan!!
Name: Ask Me!!!
Birthdate: Wouldn't you like to know?
Birthplace: Melbourne!
Current Location: ... well, Melbourne
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: Kinda average
Weight: Kinda light
Piercings: No, scared of needles
Tatoos: Again, no, scared of needles
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Hmmm, atm no!
Overused Phraze: 'You're a Tool'
Food: Pasta and Pizza
Candy: Gelati, Chocolate, Krispy Kreme
Number: 26
Color: Red and Black
Animal: Cat
Drink: Coke
Alcohol Drink: Anything, LOL
Bagel: Hmmmm, yeah ...
Letter: None in particular
Body Part on Opposite sex: Face is best ... body comes later :o)
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Already answered this one, but yeah, Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Maccaz!!!!
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Both!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee
Kiss or Hug: Depends who's doing what?
Dog or Cat: Cat
Rap or Punk: Punk!
Summer or Winter: SUMMER!!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: LOL, scary movies!
Love or Money: Love ... money is gay!
Bedtime: Way, way, way after midnight!
Most Missed Memory: Well, my cousin in Sydney, don't see her enough!
Best phyiscal feature: Well, my eyes ... I guess, can I say my brain?
First Thought Waking Up: Hope it's sunny today?
Goal for this year: Already accomplished
Best Friends: Dodge, Meg, Arnie, Andrew, Jessii, Steve, Joe, Lauren and Georgy
Weakness: Hot Chicks!
Fears: Spiders and NO good horror movies at the Cinemas
Heritage: ????
Longest relationship: Not too long, she was a TOOL!!!!!
Ever Drank: Yes, yesterday in fact
Ever Smoked: Sadly yes!
Pot: Ever 'sadlier,' yes!
Ever been Drunk: LOL, yeah!
Ever been beaten up: No, Thank God!
Ever beaten someone up: No!!! Although some people I know deserve one!
Ever Shoplifted: No, although I was an accomplice once!
Ever Skinny Dipped: LOL, no way dude!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: I've tried for betting purposes, but no one lets me :)
Been Dumped Lately: No, not lately!
Favorite Eye Color: Any!
Favorite Hair Color: Any!
Short or Long: Best is probably shoulder length!
Height: My height or shorter
Style: Hot! LOL
Looks or Personality: Nice ballance of both
Hot or Cute Man, any!
Drugs and Alcohol: Drugs are Sh**t
Muscular or Really Skinny: Well, for a chick, not muscular!
Number of Regrets in the Past: Not too many!
What country do you want to Visit: USA
How do you want to Die: Peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: Yeah, all the time!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Not really, but maybe once a year they can be ok
Get along with your Parents: Yeah, most times
Health Freak: not really!
Do you think your Attractive: Hmmm, not really, I'm fun thought, if that counts for anything!
Believe in Yourself: Yeah, I'm good at what I do
Want to go to College: Yeah!
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Drink: Yeah, when I'm out, not at home though
Shower Daily: Yeah!!!!
Been in Love: Not really!
Do you Sing: Only when I have to
Want to get Married: Well, not really, unless someone changes my mind!
Do you want Children: Well, kinda scary atm
Have your future kids names planned out: No way!
Hate anyone: No, hate is a strong word!
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test
The Cryptkeeper Video: Crypt Jam

Garbage Video: You Look So Fine!

Duck Tales Opening!

James Gunn (Writer/Director of SLiTHER...all around cool guy!!!)

Thanks to The Ablazin' Devil Head for the SLiTHER Banner, you're a Champ!

SLiTHER Is Released on DVD in October! Don't Miss it!!!

My Interests

I'm a writer/film maker studying at University! Being a film maker I can also animate, stop motion is my preferred style of animation, although currently getting into computer animation. I write, mainly short stories and screenplays, and do a little bit of photography: Digital Photoshop, Medium Format Dark Room stuff etc. I can also draw although it sometimes can get tedious and annoying so I tend not to do it so much. I love good movies (SLiTHER), comic books and music!! All the good stuff!

I'd like to meet:

Rose McGowan!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Grant Grant!

The Crypt Keeper!!

Freddy Krueger!!


Rock, hard core 80's (not over played commercial shit) Jane Jensen, Little Birdy, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eats World, Robbie Williams, Scissor Sisters, Panic! At The Disco, Fiona Apple, Elton John, David and David (Welcome to the Boomtown CD), Oingo Boingo, Nickelback, Sheryl Crow! Again, all the good stuff!


Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

Masters of Horror

Eli Roth's: Hostel!

Mulholland Drive, Critters, Gremlins, The Blob, The Fly, Deep Rising, Nightmare on Elm Street series, The Thing, The Evil Dead Series, Dreamcatcher, Hostel, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Hostel, Cabin Fever, Lollilove, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Basket Case, Brain Damage, Hellraiser, Dead Birds, Sin City, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003), Silent Hill, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Ewok Movies, Final Destination Series, Blade Series, Saw Series, Dawn of the Dead (2004), A.I., Hell Boy, Star Wars Series, House of Wax (2005), 21 Grams, Gross Misconduct, Coyote Ugly, Wolf Creek, The Hills Have Eyes (2006), Tromeo and Juliet, Van Helsing, Pirates of the Caribbean, Minority Report, The Incredibles, Total Recall, Mean Girls, Nightmare before Christmas, Grind House, The Ring, The Terminator Series, The 6th Day, Lord of the Rings! Good Horror Films! Check out SLiTHER in October on DVD, it's GREAT :)

My Profile Avatars
Myspace Icons


Farscape, Buffy, Angel, One Tree Hill, The OC, Dead Like Me, Hex, Seinfeld, Lost, Neighbours, Charmed, Ally McBeal, Duck Tales, Supernatural, Masters of Horror, Tales from the Crypt, Amazing Stories, Trap Door, The Office!!! All the good shows!


Strangely enough I don't read as much as I should! Although my University has given me a shit load of short stories to read! But I do like a bit of H.P. Lovecraft or Stephen King now and then. And I do want to read 'The Toy Collector' by the great Mr. James Gunn!

Michelle Trachtenberg!

Bruce Campbell Rules!


I don't know where I would have been without you this year. You've helped me, supported me and stood by me through thick and thin. We've already been through so much together and I value our friendship more and more as the days go by! I love how we are so alike in many ways and how we can just talk about anything and everything without realizing the time! You're very accepting and very loyal; I think everyone needs a friend like you! I hope our friendship can stay the same in the years to come!
Lauren, you're an amazing person, beautiful on both the inside and out! You're so much fun to be around, spontaneous and trustworthy. You're a loyal friend, you make me laugh (in a good way) and you're not afraid to be different. You truly are one of a kind and that's why you're so awesome ... There should be more people in this world just as cool as you! Oh and by the way ... you have a fantastic taste in music!
♥ ♥ ♥
The best cousin in the entire World! It's been way too long since I've seen you last and we really need to see each other again soon. I remember all the fun we have had together; the late nights we've had talking, making stupid videos, taking photos, drawing shit in the sketch-a-thon book and all the other crazy stuff we've done! We've laughed so much together and I'm so grateful that we've gotten to know one another. You are awesome and have been there for me to help or to listen to my problems! You're more than a cousin to me ... you're a great friend!
♥ ♥ ♥
Well, I can't imagine my life without Dodge, seeing as I've known you for the majority of it. I don't think anyone else on this Earth could have put up with me like you have! You've heard me talk and ramble about all my problems on a weekly basis and you've been there through the toughest of times. You help me out whenever I really need it and I couldn't ask for, or want, a better friend! We have gone through so much together and I hope we can go through a lot more in the years to come!
Others Heroes include ... James Gunn!!! LOL, SLiTHER will be all my Christmas' come at once! Eli Roth, can't wait for Hostel 2! Arnie, who could ask for a better Governor!
Rose McGowan from 'Grind House'

My Blog

The long awaited blog!

Hey all, It's really been quite a while since I last blogged! My friend Steve wrote a little comment below about the 'Macbeth' movie premiere we attended about a month ago, so if you haven't alrea...
Posted by Stu!! on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 03:46:00 PST

The 40 Hour Famine!

It's been a while since I've blogged, so for those of you who have actually been wondering what I'm up to, here it is.I'm back for another semester at Uni, which really isn't that bad, so I'm busy wor...
Posted by Stu!! on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 04:40:00 PST

Johnny Be Goode!

Well, holidays are officially happening! Thank God!! After a long and grueling semester, we finally get the break we deserve. I was planning on getting a lot of writing done, but as usual nothing happ...
Posted by Stu!! on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 08:39:00 PST

Negative Feedback.... I can relate Mr. Gunn :o)

Just a quick Blog, I'll write a better one in about a week, with my full SLiTHER review and happenings! Anyway, I wrote a story and it was work-shopped in my fiction writing class last Monday. The sto...
Posted by Stu!! on Sat, 27 May 2006 11:19:00 PST

SLiTHER eve....

Well, today was an interesting day. I had to go to University early coz my twin brother Dan had to edit his film. I spent the first few hours of the day pissing round on Myspace while listening to MP3...
Posted by Stu!! on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:40:00 PST

The Horrible thing people

Well, I need to get something out so I'm gonna blog! Today I intended to ask this chick out! Yes, I was ready and excited and thought nothing could go wrong; don't know why I would have thought that, ...
Posted by Stu!! on Mon, 01 May 2006 01:18:00 PST

Short Story: The Hole

Hello all,   Just wanted to post up a short story I wrote last year, it's not the best story, but it's one of my shortest. It is unedited so it could be riddled with mistakes, who knows? Those o...
Posted by Stu!! on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 05:04:00 PST

Stu's First Blog - About Me!

Hello all, I have decided to try and start bloging since I have little bit of spare time on my hands (well, not really, I should be doing my assignment, but anywayz). I might start off by telling...
Posted by Stu!! on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 05:21:00 PST