ilove to sleep! (most of the time!) eat.. texting.. i lyk wasting my time doing nothing!
pe0ple wid sense of hum0r! someone whO likes tO laugh aLL the tiMe!Ü but serious atb tiMes! hehe.. lolx!
viSit mah fRendster account..! its full detailed..Ü
prActical mAgiC, haRry pOtter1, 2&3, eXorciSt1&2..(scaRy!)bedaZzled, paSsion oF d ChriSt.. d gRudGe..texas chainSaw massaCre..what a gUrl waNts..legally bLondE..idLe haNds..the riNg..odYssey!! haha..(lahat ng sCary movieS!)
amAnDa sHow, sp0nge b0b sqUarEpaNts, lizZie mGguire, feAr fActor, j0yride, all thAt, 3R! (astig kaya un), , One bAd triP.. r0om raiDers.. newLy weDs..
sowee.. i'm nOt fOnd of reaDiNg!Ãœ