Inebriate of Air profile picture

Inebriate of Air

When the going gets tough, the tough eat chocolate.

About Me

Amanda is number 1 of my top 8 because she's my favorite person in the whole entire world.
Falalallalalalal. I love to sing, and I love the rain, and I love the snow, and i love the sun, and I love...Stars, and chocolate bars, and coconut and music! I'm really hyper right NOW and I love showers too, and I have to go take one. CURRENTLY: I play the bass clarinet, and I pass all my classes, and sleep, and dance, (usually not at the same time), and eat. Oooh I love to eat. Eating is tops. Oh and I think it pretty much goes with out saying that I love all my family too and all that jazz, but I'll repeat it anyways. Um. yeah well that's about it. i like flowers and mud and pretty colors...Orange certainly qualifys and I like green and I like most colors really. Most pretty colors that is. And. Chocolate! Sometimes I crave coffee. Not often. tea is tops. Tops is tops. And the song of the evening! Besides the Grinch..."Dreidle dreidle dreidle, I made you out of clay...dreidle dreidld dreidle......." :) happyness and grimlin free lives to all the earth. Etc. and so forth. 4:51pm thursday 14, DECEMBER. try to remember the la of november the la la la december do dum da Doohoooo. lol sorry can't remeber (sorry i keep singing. Can't help it cronic. Pardon if it's distracting or confuzzleing.) the rest of the song.

My Interests

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I have very different interests. I like music, I like finding stuff out that I should have known...which I do almost everyday. Anything from basic family news, to major revolutionary basics. Such as the times tables. And stuff like that. Or learning something on a test that you haven't learned all unit...because you were spacing, reading a book behind the text, sleeping.....etc. what ever the reason, its fun. I love staring at the sky. On the way home from a sing I saw a shooting star and I was so happy because I'd slept outside for three nights trying to see one, and every night...about a week apart each would be beautiful and clear then a huge cloud mass would come in and I wouldn't see anything. It was very sad. But I saw one this year! In the car! It was so cool. D and I were coming along 84 and were about half and hour from home. It was special. :) " Slow down, you go too fast"... I like music. I don't know if I mentioned that. I like stars and I like water. I like the stars in the sky not little drawings or what ever. I like the real stuff. One song that REALLY bugs me is "Size Matters" Because that is NOT TRUE. Sincerity matters. NOT size. SO annoying. I mean, sure I can see the point of the song, but I still hate it. Ok just so you all know. Sorry to those of you who love that song. Um. I really like movie soundtracks they are so cool to listen to. Chocolate is good. I am eating chocolate right now. It is very very very good. numnumnum. My cousin is the only cute baby in the whole world that I have seen, and he's not even a baby anymore. Oh well. When ever he's sad he says "no monkeys..." :) But most generally I don't like little kids they scare me. Unfortunately toddlers seem to like to hang around me, which can be a bit of a load when 4 all want rides. hahaha. well anyways...I can't think of much more. Sorry. I know you are all enthralled. Super special. But anyways, you should all know my half birthday is July 31 (to the day) and July 23 by general rule. So anyways. That's it.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'd like to meet:

The guy who invented the WASL.

My Comment Box
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Quite a lot of different things really. I like match box 20, enya, evanescence--keep it light rock or easy listening I'm good to go. Some times I like harder stuff. Just depends. I like bon jovi. Who doesn't?? Hahaha. Simon and Garfunkel! Yey!


Barney went wild, Barney goes to College and My favorite, Barney was engaged. I like these because they remind me so much of my dearest dorkbro that the comparison is startling at times. And striking. They even look alike. :)


I LOVE SABRIEL, LIRAEL, and ABHORSEN by GARTH NIX. Very best books ever. Also, Castel in the Attic, Howl's moving castle, Pride and Prejudice, Sorcery and Cecilia or the Magic Chocolate Pot, Fool's Errand, Golden Fool, Fool's Fate, so many books.... I like books. Really. I read a lot. and eat alot and ask for coffee alot. And kevin can't spell "a lot". HAHAHA.


My Blog

Update, and rising in the world.

So kids, I'm moving up in life. I'm not going to be blogging on Myspace very much if at all anymore, because I have opened a Xanga account. If you want to still keep up with all my lovely little activ...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:03:00 PST

are you growing safely? HUGS.

    Ok so I woke up at six thirty this morning, showered used my lovely smelling's new. I like it. So ha. ready for the day, ate some bananna pancakes that my deare...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:15:00 PST

Walkin on Sunshine!

ok here is something I've never figured out about myself. I think that surveys are kinda dumb. Well, they are. Who I'm I kidding? They most certainly are. So why do I spend hours of my life on beautif...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:51:00 PST

Wop. It's a survey. Don't bother reading. hahah.

SEVEN lasts:7. last beverage:Water6. last phone call:Randy bo ba bandy.5. last text message:N/A4. last cd played:Enya3. last bubble bath:about a month ago...tho it wasn't much of one, the rate of wate...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 11:23:00 PST

And she likes it.

Alright kiddos. I'm going to broadcast. I'm in love. (blush) riiight. Well I do think this is pretty amazing. Another thing my dear coz shared with me, and I share with everyone, and yet no one in par...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:50:00 PST

Hate Groups. The follow up of my bulliten.

Ok Before we get all into this little rant of mine, I'd like you to know that I was doing an asignment for a class. In that assignment I was to find a modern version of "religion" in the world today. ...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:19:00 PST

Get Fuzzy. Get Fuzzy rocks. Everyone must concur. Do it.
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 10:03:00 PST

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

My heart fell down amongst my lungs and livers and things, and a hard peice of corn-crust started down my throat after it and got met on the road with a cough, and was shot across the table, and took ...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 05:19:00 PST

My weekend with considerable consision.

so pretty much on thursday I got to watch a cesarean section and that was soo cool and I stayed up til two in the morning chatting how dispicable right??Then on friday Something really ...
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:10:00 PST

These are the best days of my life! Ooh btw It's a survey.

1. Name one person who made you smile today: om. Lisl, Louy, Whitney, Manda, Mom, dad, kev, laurena, dale, anna, kathereene, Kati, Jen, Letty, Ms. Jackson, Alajandra, Elisa.... Shall I go on? No ok.2....
Posted by Inebriate of Air on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:52:00 PST